Weekly Schedule Maker For Teams & Individuals

Bordio’s weekly schedule maker supports tasks, events, and projects, and offers so much more for productive weeks.

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Weekly schedule maker
Weekly schedule maker
Weekly schedule maker
Weekly schedule maker
Weekly schedule maker
Weekly schedule maker list
Weekly schedule maker list
Weekly schedule maker list
Weekly schedule maker list
Weekly schedule maker list
Weekly schedule maker board
Weekly schedule maker board
Weekly schedule maker board
Weekly schedule maker board
Weekly schedule maker board
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Rating 4.7 Based on 300+ reviews
How does Bordio’s weekly schedule maker work?
Bordio’s weekly schedule maker explained in 2 minutes
Track all tasks and events in the weekly schedule maker

Track every task and event on the weekly schedule maker board

Bordio’s task planner unites tasks, events, and projects all under one console. You can review everything that’s left to do on a single board. Say Goodbye to double-booking yourself or forgetting about commitments.

Keeping everything in one place is not only helpful in avoiding embarrassing situations, but it also makes you less stressed. When you have just one place where all work and personal tasks go, you are not spreading yourself too thin, feel calmer, and accomplish more.

Backlog of to-dos

Brain dump your thoughts on the waiting list

Having a thousand things on your mind all the time is mentally and physically draining. Bordio’s virtual planner offers an elegant solution to this problem – the waiting list.

The waiting list is like a second to-do list for all unscheduled tasks, thoughts, ideas, worries, and chores. Use it to write down anything and everything that you can’t schedule into the next couple of weeks. Go back to the waiting list occasionally to review and pick a few tasks that can finally be focused on. Feel the instant relief once everything that’s been bothering you is safely stored and waits for its special moment.

Track projects in the weekly schedule maker

Run personal and work projects with the team or by yourself

Nowadays, everyone is a project manager, even if you don’t hold this title officially at work. And every project manager knows that the tools they use are just as important as the team or the methodology.

Bordio fully supports project management by providing the features that you need and skipping the bulky, outdated functionality. You can run one or several projects at a time and work on them alone or with a team. All key information about the project can be stored in the Notes section and important projects can be pinned on top of the interface by adding them to Favorites.

Connect weekly schedule maker to Google calendar

Integrate Bordio’s weekly schedule maker with Google Calendar

Bordio offers comprehensive calendar functionality that disincentivizes the use of other tools. However, if you must use Google Calendar, you can integrate it into our schedule maker in no time.

Once connected, events from Google Calendar will show in Bordio and you will be able to continue working in the familiar interface. If you have an event that an external user needs to be a part of, you can add them specifically to this event too. To do that, add the person’s email address to the list of participants. They’ll get an auto-email asking them to accept. And once it’s done, they’ll see your event in their Google Calendar and you’ll see that they’ve confirmed when the green check mark will be added to their avatar.

Create tasks professionally with the weekly schedule maker

How you create your tasks influences how you execute them. Bordio schedule planner provides you with all the opportunities to set yourself up for success.

Task description in weekly schedule maker

Task name and deadline are fully customizable. All tasks have a description field where you can type in all relevant information. You can reassign the task to another team member with one click.

If the task is complex or important, add time blocks to reserve the time in the week to dedicate to this task and ensure you meet the deadline.

Check completed tasks

View completed tasks in the online weekly schedule maker

Unlike other solutions, Bordio’s schedule maker doesn’t hide finished tasks from the board. Instead, their colors are changed to grey, so users can easily separate them from the pending work.

This helps you keep track of what was already accomplished and not be too hard on yourself when you’re not being productive. At the same time, you can review them to analyze whether or not your weekly plan is reasonable. Say, if you schedule ten one-hour-long tasks every day, you’ll quickly see that you’re not finishing them not because you’re lazy, but because it’s unrealistic.

Estimated time in the weekly schedule maker

Estimate task durations and plan your time better

Knowing how much time a task takes you is very helpful. It allows you to be a better planner and stay accountable. In our schedule builder, users can add time estimations to all tasks they create and then adjust the specified time once the task is complete. All events have time estimations by default.

Those who add time estimations can see the accurate daily workload on the board. This information can be used for self-tracking or to update your managers. It can also be eye-opening at the beginning, as we often miscalculate how much we actually work.

Set meetings in the weekly schedule maker

Set your meetings apart with the weekly-schedule-maker

Make sure all your meetings are powerful and efficient. Use all functionality of the task maker to ensure the best results.

Write detailed descriptions with agenda, pre-meeting tasks, helpful links, and other materials. This will help the team come prepared. Next, notify them about the upcoming meeting in advance – set notifications for the start of the meeting, 5,10,15,30 minutes, or 1,2 or 24 hours before. Once the meeting is over, add key points from the discussion and the next steps for future reference.

Split tasks into time blocks

Add time blocks for complex or time-consuming tasks

Time blocks are perfect for anyone struggling with procrastination or finding the time to work on the tasks on their digital daily planners. Whenever you create a task in Bordio, you can add time blocks that will be linked to it, and, unless you’ve completed all time blocks, you won’t be able to close the task.

You can have as many time blocks assigned to the task as you want, and they can be as short as 15 minutes or as long as 10 hours. Once you know you have time reserved to do particular work, you’ll be less likely to ignore it and do something else instead.

Navigate the online weekly-schedule-maker the way you prefer

We don’t just use schedule makers for the current week, we usually also look back at the previous months and create tasks and events in the upcoming weeks. To help all users find the required dates easily, Bordio offers two ways of navigating the time manager.

First, you can scroll the board left or right up to a month from today. A bonus reason to use this feature is that it allows you to start the week on any day you like, whether it’s Sunday, Tuesday, or Friday. For very far-off dates, go to quick navigation at the top of the board and choose the month and the day you need. When done, click the Today button to go back.

Recurring events in the weekly schedule maker

Use recurring tasks and events for more efficiency

If your tasks repeat just once – duplicate them with one click in Bordio’s time organizer. If the same tasks or events happen more regularly, create recurring sequences to save you the trouble of manually typing them in every time.

Recurring tasks and events can be set to run as often or as rarely as you need. Choose repetitions that suit you the most: workdays, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. If none of the standard options make sense to you – go with the fully custom recurrence.

Customize the interface of the online weekly schedule planner

Bordio time planner can be customized to look exactly how you want it to look. Start with adding colors from the soft color palette that will gently separate different types of commitments in your schedule and help spot what type of work takes the most of your time.

Next, plan with the interface and hide elements you’re not using on a daily basis: the waiting list, the column with projects, and the column with tools. Bring them back whenever needed. Enjoy the minimalist view or keep everything for quick access to helpful functionality.

Weekly schedule maker on your phone

Get yourself a weekly schedule maker mobile app

You don’t have to be at your desk to stay up to date with your weekly schedule. Download Bordio’s weekly schedule maker and have access to your to-dos, events, and projects 24/7 no matter where you are.

These days, we are always on the go and in between things, and bringing a laptop with us is not always possible. With Bordio, all you need is your smartphone and you can stay productive and know exactly what’s going on in your schedule at all times.

Main benefits of using Bordio’s weekly schedule maker

There are so many reasons why our weekly schedule maker is a great tool to use! Here are the main benefits of it:

  • You don’t waste so much time
  • A clear plan for every day and week
  • Less anxiety caused by being in a rush
  • Important tasks will be prioritized
  • You will fit more into your days
  • You’ll have time for passion projects