Time Planner App For Teams And Individuals

You don’t need more hours in the day. You need a time planner to manage the hours you have better. And Bordio is here for you – a modern time planner app with built-in project management.

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How does Bordio’s time planner work?
Bordio’s time planner explained in 2 minutes
Waiting list for time planning

Dump all ideas and plans into the time planner’s waiting list

Think of the waiting list as a to-do list but without commitments or deadlines. Whenever you have an idea or remember something that needs to be done at some point in the future, write it down on the waiting list and review it later. You might not even realize how much those thoughts were cluttering your mind and causing you extra stress, until you start using the waiting list and have your brain clear and focused on the tasks for the specific day or the week. Just don’t forget to have an occasional peek into the waiting list and grab a couple of tasks from there. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a never-ending list that will turn from a blessing into a source of constant worry.

Run projects in your time planner

Run private and shared projects in Bordio’s time planner

Project management is tricky by default, so why make it more difficult by using the wrong tools? Bordio’s time planner app is an easy yet powerful solution for running successful projects, whether you do it on your own or with a large group of people.

At Bordio, we are big believers in not overcomplicating things. But sometimes they just are complex, and scheduling a few tasks to get them over with is not enough. That’s why we have projects. With projects, you get to work alone or with a team, schedule tasks for others and get updates if someone changes your tasks, track everyone’s progress with their to-dos, review the project’s completed tasks, and use all that data to optimize future projects’ workflow.

Have all tasks and events shown on a beautiful board

When it comes to time planning and becoming more productive, removing the little inconveniences is far more powerful than we’d like to believe. A common issue that we see is when someone uses a separate time planner app for tasks and works in a calendar that’s not integrated with the app. So, what ends up happening is the user has to constantly go back and forth, comparing their events agenda with the rest of the to-dos, syncing them, and trying not to overbook themselves.

Is this an ideal situation? Absolutely not. Not only do you risk forgetting something, but you are also adding extra anxiety to your already busy days. We don’t want that for our users, that’s why Bordio has one multi-user board where you can manage all your tasks and events. As a result, you’re more efficient, you get to do more within a day, and you are not as stressed while doing it.

Google events in the time planner

Add Google Calendar to Bordio’s time planner app

One day Bordio will rule the world, but until then you’ll probably be working with people or organizations that are not yet Bordio users. That’s why we’ve integrated Google Calendar with our time planner, to help you see everything through a single console rather than having to go back and forth.

The integration is made to be super easy and only takes a few clicks. Once it’s done, you will see all your Google Calendar events right in the Bordio interface. And just like that – you can continue working via a simple and user-friendly tool, while not compromising any of your commitments.

Create powerful tasks and set yourself up for success

Successful planning starts with creating the right tasks that serve you. Bordio’s task planner app lets you create detailed tasks that help everyone on the team understand the job they’re expected to do and do it well.

Detailed task info in the time planner

Users can create tasks for themselves and easily reassign them to colleagues or contractors. The description section provides a perfect opportunity to outline all task details and save relevant information in one place.

Every task can be supplemented with time blocks that ensure there is time reserved in the week to do the work. There are 3 statuses – Scheduled, In Progress, and Completed – that help everyone keep track of the progress with tasks.

Time estimations in the planner

Assign time estimations to your tasks in the time planner

A big part of advanced planning is understanding how long each task takes you to complete. Now, it is not a STEM discipline, and two similar tasks can take very different lengths of time to finish on different days. However, as you practice time estimating more, you get better at understanding how much every to-do requires and what influences your ability to complete it on time.

When you are creating a task in Bordio’s task tracking app, you have the option to add the estimated time of completion. Once you’re done with the task, you can adjust it for better accuracy. Events have time estimations by default, so if you set the correct length for all events and add time estimation for all tasks, you’ll be able to see what your daily workload looks like.

Review and analyze completed tasks

Review and analyze completed tasks in the time planner

Whenever you complete a task in Bordio, it doesn’t disappear but rather turns grey and stays in your schedule. This is done on purpose for multiple reasons. First of all, if you never see the work that you’ve done (because it disappears) but only see the pending tasks, the workload seems unbearable and you feel trapped. Yet, with a list of grey tasks in front of you, you feel inspired to deal with the remainder of the day’s work and cross everything out.

Being able to view everything you’ve done on a given day makes you feel accomplished but also helps you be more mindful of the amount of work you assign to yourself. It’s not healthy to overwork yourself all the time, so if you see that week after week you manage to complete several tasks every day but there is always something rolling over to the next day, then perhaps a change is required.

Tasks and events ordering

Re-shuffle tasks and events based on how urgent they are

Our online planner is meant to be flexible. That’s why shifting and readjusting your daily or weekly tasks is extremely easy. If your plans change, you can drag and drop tasks and events to make sense in your new situation.

And if your tasks are not time-bound, a great way to rearrange them is by priority and urgency. We are psychologically more prone to working with the top of the list and treating it as more important. So you can use this little trick to get the key stuff done. Another way to work with your daily workload is to put all completed tasks on top, leaving the unfinished ones squeezed together below. This would help you instantly see what’s left to do, as opposed to when unfinished tasks are scattered among the ones you’re already over with.

Recurring tasks and events in the time planner

Create recurring tasks and events to save time

Do you work with repetitive tasks or events a lot? Then you need recurring tasks! They save time because you don’t have to create the same tasks every week, but they also help you avoid the mental stress of having to remember them.

In our online schedule planner, you can set recurring events and tasks to run daily, every workday, weekly, monthly, or yearly. You can also have a fully custom recurring task that is set for specific days within the week (for example, every Monday and Wednesday) and you can have them running for as long as you like by setting any end date. For tasks that should only be repeated once, duplicate the existing task and set it for the right date.

Color coding for smart time planning

Use color coding for smart time planning

The beauty of Bordio is that it enables you to do it all: manage tasks, set events, run projects, brainstorm ideas and save them on the waiting list. The downside of it is that you work on so many things at once that differentiating between the many types of work you deal with becomes tricky.

And we have a solution for it! A selection of pastel, eye-pleasing colors will help you separate projects, tasks, and events while keeping your time planner looking nice. Assign a unique color for every activity, and you’ll only need a split second to see what kind of work is ahead of you.

Invite users to Bordio time planner events

Invite external users to Bordio’s time planner events

Similarly to the Google Calendar integration, if you have team members, contractors, or partners who are not using Bordio you can invite them to join your Bordio events and still be a part of the project or specific activity.

Connecting external users to Bordio’s events is easy. Simply add their email addresses to the list of participants. This will trigger an automated email invite. Once the person accepts the event, they will see it in their Google Calendar. And you will be able to tell that they’ve accepted by the green check mark that will appear next to their avatar.

Upgrade your meeting game with a time planner

Upgrade your meeting game with the time planner

Afraid that your team whispers “That could have been an email” about your meetings? Worry not! There are ways to make your meetings meaningful and impactful, and we are here to make it happen. The success of most meetings lies in preparation for them. Always add timely reminders to events that you create.

In Bordio’s weekly schedule planner, those can pop up at the time of the event, or 5,10,15, 30 minutes, or 24 hours before. Use the description section of the event to type in the agenda. Nobody likes to attend meetings when they have no idea what’s expected of them. Finally, add meeting notes after the event is over. Use it for meeting summaries or anything else that deems important. This can be a handy way to keep important meeting-related information that doesn’t really have a place anywhere else.

Schedule time blocks for bigger tasks

Schedule time blocks in the time planner for big tasks

Some items on the to-do list can be completed in 5 minutes, others require hours of focused work. Don’t let complex tasks throw you off! Bordio’s time blocks are created specifically to tackle large assignments that we tend to put off until the last minute and then realize we can’t finish before the deadline is due.

That’s not how we want to approach work, with delays and stress. That’s why we can break down the workload for the task into multiple working sessions. Each session is logged in a separate time block serving as a placeholder in the calendar. For example, if you have to submit a paper on Friday and you estimate it will take 4 hours to write it, you can create two 2-hour time blocks for Tuesday and Thursday, so that you can finish it before Friday. And if something doesn’t work out, or the paper takes longer – you still have time!


Scroll your time planner left or right

Let’s say it’s Wednesday and you need to schedule the following seven days. What happens with most time planners is that you’ll be forced to click to the next week and back. But not with Bordio! Our time manager enables you to scroll left or right for up to a month from the current date.

Your week can start exactly when you want it, and you can plan your workload without additional stress. Scroll by using your computer mouse, or laptop pad, or by clicking the button in the right upper corner of the time planner.

Use navigation of the time planner

Use quick navigation in the time-planner for fast access

Scrolling through the weeks is very convenient, but sometimes you just need to open a specific date that’s so far off that scrolling becomes exhausting. In that case, use quick navigation in our time-planner.

View the entire month and pick up the date you need. Scroll through the months rather than days for quicker access. When done, click the Today button to return to the current day’s schedule.


Hide interface elements in the time planner for a cleaner look

One of the lifehacks for efficient time planning and productivity is removing all extra elements from your routine to gain complete focus. And we’re all for it! Once your desk is clear, the phone is on DND, and all unnecessary tabs in the browser are closed, you can move on to minimizing distractions in the tools you’re using.

Now, Bordio’s digital daily planner is already minimalistic. We don’t tolerate digital clutter, so the app has just the tools and features you need for work, nothing extra. Having said that, not everything is in use all the time. That’s why we have the option of hiding some parts of the interface, such as the waiting list and columns with projects and tools.

Free time planner mobile app

Take the time planner anywhere you go with the mobile app

If we want to be successful, we need to plan our time not only when we’re in the office, but outside of it too. Bordio’s mobile app helps you stay on top of your to-dos, events, projects, and everything else 24/7.

Check your schedule during the commute, update your waiting list when the inspiration strikes you, and check your meeting agendas as you’re running errands. Never compromise your productivity and get things done stress-free.

Key benefits of using a time planner by Bordio

Not sure our time planner will benefit you? Here’s why it’s more valuable than you think:

  • Structures your life
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Takes back the control over time
  • Assures important stuff gets done
  • Helps you achieve more within 24 hours
  • Empowers you to work on your dreams