Weekly Schedule Planner For Work and Personal Tasks

The weekly schedule planner unites all your tasks, projects, events, and ideas under one console, add structure to your days, and help you achieve more with less.

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Weekly schedule planner
Weekly schedule planner
Weekly schedule planner
Weekly schedule planner
Weekly schedule planner
Weekly schedule planner list
Weekly schedule planner list
Weekly schedule planner list
Weekly schedule planner list
Weekly schedule planner list
Weekly schedule planner board
Weekly schedule planner board
Weekly schedule planner board
Weekly schedule planner board
Weekly schedule planner board
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Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
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Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
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How does Bordio’s weekly schedule planner work?
Bordio’s weekly schedule planner explained in 2 minutes
Projects in the weekly schedule planner

Manage a team or private projects in the weekly schedule planner

Manage one or many projects at a time, share them with your team, or keep them private for the time being. Bordio’s project management functionality gives you the freedom to be creative yet diligent.

If you’ve ever worked on a project, you know how fragile it is. A lot has to be done right in order for the project to turn into a success. And one of the key things with projects is keeping them under control. That’s exactly what Bordio’s schedule builder helps you achieve.

Unique colors for tasks and events

Add unique colors to each type of task and event

As you work with Bordio more, your weekly schedule maker will start to get filled with many different types of projects, events, and tasks. And when that happens, you might have trouble separating them from one another.

Choose colors from the muted, gentle palette and make your planner more visually segregated. Use it to help you quickly understand what type of work takes more of your time and what awaits you on a particular day or week.

One board for all your tasks and events

Keep every task and event on one board in the weekly schedule planner

Don’t waste time using multiple apps and paper notebooks – sign up for Bordio and have everything securely saved up on a single board. With tasks and events shown in one schedule planner, you can understand your workload better, plan more accurately, and avoid overscheduling yourself to the point of exhaustion.

It’s easier to forget about a chore, a plan to meet friends, or a work deadline when you don’t have a single solution for all your to-dos. That’s why we are huge proponents of an all-in-one approach. The weekly schedule planner covers all your needs while remaining minimalistic and fun to work with.

Waiting list in the weekly schedule planner

Direct your creative ideas and mundane tasks to the waiting list

Have a thousand things on your mind at all times? Worried about forgetting something that needs to be done at some point in the future? We’ve been there too! It’s not a nice feeling to constantly be stressing about ideas, and you don’t have to.

The waiting list is available to all Bordio users and it serves as a placeholder for anything that needs to be done but not just yet. Use it to write down birthday party ideas, plans to learn new skills, list all house-related chores, and use it for professional planning and strategic brainstorming. Keep your worries on paper, not in your brain and see how much more calm it makes you.

Make sure the tasks you create empower you with Bordio

Task creation doesn’t sound particularly exciting to many of us, but this is part of the work that sets the tone for everything that follows. Bordio’s time planners are built to make this process as intuitive and non-invasive as possible.

Task card in the weekly schedule planner

Every step is necessary, and there are no extra steps just for the sake of it. All new tasks include a description section for all instructions and comments that would help complete the task. Time blocks can be added on demand to reserve specific time throughout the week when you will work on that task.

As you move along with the task, update its status from Scheduled to In Progress to Completed. Statuses help you boost accountability, especially when you’re working alone. And if the task is a part of a bigger project, the change of status will signal to everyone else on the team that progress is being made.

Weekly schedule planner with time estimations

Plan with time estimations in the weekly schedule planner

If you want to plan successfully and accomplish more during the day, you need to understand how long different tasks take you. We often tend to overestimate how much we work and underestimate how much time specific tasks consume. To help fix that, we’ve introduced time estimations to our weekly schedule planner.

All events have time estimations by default, but you can also add them to each task you create. It’s possible to edit your estimation later once the task is completed. With time, you’ll get better at predicting how much time something requires. And as you plan future projects and work, you can go back to the past workload to see how long it took and create realistic timelines for yourself.

Add Google calendar to your weekly schedule planner

Add Google Calendar to the weekly schedule planner

Bordio is equipped with an excellent calendar that covers all your planning and organizing needs. Yet, if you still need to use Google Calendar for some projects, you can do that from the comfort of Bordio schedule maker.

The integration only takes a couple of clicks to set up and it adds all your Google events to Bordio’s interface. And if you need to add an external Google Calendar user to your Bordio event, add their email address to the list of participants. The system will issue an email invite to the user. Once accepted, they’ll have the Bordio event added to their Google Calendar, and you’ll be able to see them as confirmed event participants in Bordio.

Completed tasks in the weekly planner

View completed tasks at all times in the weekly schedule planner

In Bordio’s weekly schedule planner, completed tasks don’t disappear. Instead, they turn grey and you can view them all in your task tracker. Users can see exactly what they’ve worked on on any given day and use it for reporting to their manager, future planning, or workload analysis.

Besides being a helpful tool in understanding how much work you’ve accomplished, visible completed tasks help you keep your spirits high when motivation is low. Because when you don’t see the work that you’ve done, you’re left with a never-ending flow of stuff that is yet to be started. And it can be dreadful, especially if you’re on a tight schedule or have been stressed for a while already. And, perhaps, if you’ve been confident that you’re very busy yet there are no proofs to show for it, you’ll be gently forced to rethink your workday.

Recurring tasks in the weekly schedule planner

Use recurring tasks and events to boost efficiency

Stop recreating repeating tasks and events manually right now! Instead, set them up to automatically reappear in your daily schedule maker with the recurring functionality. It makes no sense to copy-paste all the information week after week when the system can do it for you.

All Bordio users can set up recurring tasks or events to repeat every day, week, month, or year. It’s also possible to create fully custom repetitions for unique and odd tasks. And if the to-do just has to be repeated once, create a duplicate in one click and save time yet again.

Use timeblocks for important tasks

Create time blocks for important tasks and complete them on time

Not all tasks can be completed within 10-20 minutes. Some of them require over an hour, and such tasks are often put off until the last moment. As a result, we get stressed about them because there is not enough time to work on them properly and meet the deadline, and our anxiety skyrockets.

As an antidote to that, we offer you time blocks – placeholders in your calendar that you can link to the tasks in your weekly schedule planner. As you log a new task, you’ll have the option to set one or multiple time blocks and allocate them sometime before the task’s deadline. You can make them short (20 minutes) or longer (hours) to reserve the time for productive work. Time blocks break big tasks down into manageable chunks of work and make them less scary and make you more productive.

Schedule to-dos in your weekly planner

Base tasks and events on urgency in the weekly schedule planner

There are endless ways you can work with your to-do, and one of the efficient methods to approach your tasks is to prioritize them based on urgency. Not all urgent tasks are important in the long run, but they have to be dealt with anyway.

Bordio’s weekly schedule planner makes day and week reorganization extremely easy. You can drag and drop tasks and events as many times as you want to match your changing plans.

Try out different navigation options in the weekly schedule planner

Scroll your planner left or right up to a month from the current date to view the schedule, add new tasks, and plan weeks starting with random days. Use the quick navigation on the top of the interface to swipe through the months and find the far-off date that you can’t scroll to.

We rarely only work with the current week when we plan our personal and work tasks. Having multiple options for accessing those far-away dates will give you more freedom to work with the solution as you please and reduce the chance of you giving up planning altogether.

Create meetings in the weekly schedule planner

Strengthen your meetings with the weekly-schedule-planner

Bordio makes your meeting more efficient. Users can add custom meeting reminders that will go off in advance to help all participants prepare. You can set the notification for the start of the event, 5,10,15, or 30 minutes, 1 or 2 hours, or even one day before.

Add agenda details when creating the event to ensure everyone understands what will be discussed and can come up with their own ideas, questions, or concerns. Add all participants pre-event to guarantee they have time saved in their schedules. Write notes and key insights after the event, allowing everyone to see what was accomplished on that day.

Hide interface elements in the weekly schedule planner

If you’re not using the waiting list or columns with projects and tools on a daily basis, you can temporarily hide them from Bordio’s interface. This can help you focus better or save you some screen space if you’re working on smaller laptops or tablets.

And once you want to use some of the hidden interface elements – you can return them with one click. Whatever your reasoning is, we want you to enjoy the solution and make it your own, so feel free to experiment with the UI through not only colors but also elements that you hide or show.

Download mobile app of weekly schedule planner

Download the weekly schedule planner mobile app

Take your schedule with you anywhere you go. With the mobile app, you’ll have 24/7 access to all your tasks, planned events, and ongoing projects. More importantly, you’ll have the waiting list right in your pocket, so you won’t risk forgetting your creative ideas when you’re on the go.

Don’t miss out on planning and productivity when you’re away from your desk. Update your tasks in commute, review your plans for the week as you’re drinking coffee in a nice cafe, and keep track of the projects while you’re traveling on business.

Key benefits of using a weekly schedule planner by Bordio

The Bordio’s weekly schedule planner is versatile and enables its users to achieve multiple goals:

  • Achieve more within the 24 hours
  • Win back the control over time and days
  • Prioritize important goals and plans
  • Find time to work on creative dreams
  • Create a clear structure for the life
  • Cut down on stress and anxiety