Schedule Maker For Private And Business Use

The schedule maker helps you have it all – complete tasks on time, manage events like a pro, work on multiple projects alone or with a team.

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Schedule maker
Schedule maker
Schedule maker
Schedule maker
Schedule maker
Schedule maker list
Schedule maker list
Schedule maker list
Schedule maker list
Schedule maker list
Schedule maker board
Schedule maker board
Schedule maker board
Schedule maker board
Schedule maker board
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
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How does Bordio’s schedule maker work?
Bordio’s schedule maker explained in 2 minutes
One single board in your schedule maker

Manage all tasks and events on one board in the schedule maker

Use a single task tracker for all work and personal tasks and events. Simplify your planning and boost productivity by using a single solution instead of multiple organizing tools.

By keeping everything in one place, you will see your total workload more accurately, plan better, and be a more reliable professional, friend, and parent. There would be no surprises or missed commitments caused by you having written stuff down somewhere untraceable.

Save your future tasks in the backlog

Save all future plans, ideas, and tasks on the waiting list

Think of the waiting list as your placeholder for anything that you want to do but can’t find the time to do just yet. Write random thoughts on the list as you think of something that’s worth exploring in the future.

The waiting list is a powerful tool to keep your mind clutter-free. Save all the extra mental energy that you waste on remembering a thousand things at once. Help yourself relax and focus on what’s important right now, and go back to the waiting list every once in a while to pick up a few items that you can explore during the upcoming weeks.

Integrate schedule maker with Google calendar

Integrate Google Calendar with Bordio’s schedule maker

Do you love Bordio but still need to work with Google Calendar? Don’t worry, we have a solution for you. We released integration with Google to help you manage all your events from there in the familiar Bordio interface. The integration takes just a few clicks to configure and it’s very easy, regardless of how tech-savvy you are.

And say you have a non-Bordio user who needs to be a part of your event, such as a contractor for the project. Add their email address to the list of participants and it will trigger an auto-invite. Once the user accepts the invite, they will see your event in their Google.

Manage projects in the schedule maker

Run personal and shared projects in the schedule maker

Manage one of several projects at once. Invite other users to join you or work by yourself. Add projects to Favorites to see them up high on the interface. Add notes to keep critical information readily available. Assign project tasks to others and get notified if they change tasks assigned to you.

Empower yourself and your team to run successful projects that are completed on time, within budget, and with great results. Use all Bordio functionality to make project management easier and more fun.

Create detailed tasks in the schedule maker that help you succeed

Use all the tools to create powerful tasks that help you and your team do the work better. Start by writing an accurate task name and setting the right deadline. Change the responsible person if you’re creating a task for someone else.

Opened task card in the schedule maker

Add detailed descriptions and keep on updating them with important information as you progress with the task.

Change the status from Scheduled to In progress to Completed to track progress. Don’t forget to assign time blocks for lengthy tasks that require more time.

Plan your days in the schedule maker

Plan your days with time estimations in the schedule creator

Bordio’s schedule builder allows you to set time estimations for all tasks that you create. Use it to track how much work you’re doing every day and adjust the estimation once the task is complete for more accuracy.

Use the data from previous tasks to plan and schedule upcoming work. Learn to understand your work patterns and manage energy levels by creating more balanced workdays.

Done to-dos in the schedule maker

Analyze your completed tasks with the schedule maker

Keep track of all your completed tasks by viewing them on the board. Unlike other planning solutions, Bordio’s schedule maker doesn’t hide or delete the tasks and events that are already done.

This helps achieve several goals. Users can analyze how much work they’ve been doing day by day and adjust their planning. For example, if someone works hard every day but is still left with many unfinished tasks all the time, they might simply be unrealistic with their to-dos. Also, seeing how much you’ve already done can push you past the procrastination phase and help you power through the last bit of work.

Timeblocks for bigger activities

Add time blocks to bigger tasks and complete them on time

Anyone who’s ever struggled with big tasks understands how easy it is to lose control and end up with a couple of hours before the deadline and many hours’ worth of work ahead of you. The Bordio team has certainly fallen victim to this pattern before, that’s why we created time blocks in our schedule planner app.

Time blocks are placeholders on your calendar that you can create before the task’s deadline. They ensure you don’t plan anything else for this time period and actually work on the upcoming tasks. You can add one or several time blocks for each task and make them all different lengths.

Automate repeating tasks and events in the schedule maker

Automate recurring tasks and events in the online schedule maker

A lot of the tasks we deal with are repetitive. House chores, weekly team meetings, picking up kids from school, and PT sessions in the gym all happen at least semi-regularly. And it means that you can save a big chunk of your planning by setting up recurring tasks and events.

You can add them to run daily or on workdays only, every week, month, or year. And if you need to have a custom, more complex recurrence, you can do that easily in the schedule maker too. For tasks that only repeat once, we have the Duplicate button that saves you the trouble of copy-pasting when creating a recurrence doesn’t make sense.

Better meetings with the schedule creator

Make every meeting better with the schedule-maker

If you run and schedule meetings, you want to make sure they are a success. To make each team, partner, or contractor meeting more efficient, use all the tools that Bordio schedule-maker provides.

Set event notifications to pop up at the time of the event, 5-10-15-30 minutes before, or give other participants more time by setting a reminder 1, 2, or 24 hours in advance. Add agenda to the event to ensure everyone understands why they’re invited and what will be discussed. Write post-event notes with key insights and next steps, so that everyone can refer back to this information if and when needed.

Change colors in your schedule creator

Change things up with colors in your calendar schedule maker

As you add more and more projects, events, and tasks, your weekly schedule maker may start to look a bit crowded, and it will be harder to track what’s happening and when.

As a solution, we offer you a unique palette with a selection of soft colors that would visualize each project and highlight what kind of activities you work on the most. Assign colors to large projects and recurring events to distinguish them from one-offs.

Make use of multiple navigation options in the schedule maker

Bordio’s daily schedule maker offers you two ways to navigate the days. If you’re looking at planning or reviewing days that are within a month from the current date, you can scroll the board left or right. You can use it to check on past or future tasks or to plan your week starting with any random day of the week.

If you need to work with a date that’s far off in the past or the future, go to the top of the interface for quick navigation. There you’ll be able to scroll the months and go back quickly by clicking the Today button.

View or hide interface elements as you please

For all our users with smaller screen resolutions or anyone willing to hide elements that they’re not interacting with on a daily basis, we have the option to hide the waiting list, the column with projects, and the column with tools.

Sometimes it helps you to focus better when there is absolutely nothing extra lying around you, both physically and virtually. Anything that’s helping us fight distractions is worth it, so if you’re struggling with concentration, try hiding some of Bordio’s UI elements along with cleaning up your working space and blocking out the noise.

Download the task organizer app on your phone

Download the schedule creator mobile app

Take your Bordio schedule creator anywhere you go. Download our powerful and lightweight mobile app that has all the vital functionality of the web version. Update your tasks as you go, check on upcoming meetings and events, and keep track of the project even when you’re not at your desk.

Don’t let the chaos of modern life stop you from being your most successful and productive self. Stay on top of your schedule anytime, anywhere with Bordio.

Main benefits of using a schedule maker by Bordio

The Bordio’s schedule maker is not only a fun tool to use, but it enables its users to improve their quality of life by:

  • Eliminating the time waste that eats off their days
  • Reducing stress and anxiety caused by chaos
  • Adding a clear structure to their weeks
  • Helping users achieve more within the 24 hours
  • Prioritizing important tasks above low-value ones
  • Find time to work on dreams and creative plans