Schedule Builder for Private Projects or Business Use

Our schedule builder has it all – task planning, event scheduling, project management, a place for future plans, and so much more.

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Schedule builder
Schedule builder
Schedule builder
Schedule builder
Schedule builder
Schedule builder list
Schedule builder list
Schedule builder list
Schedule builder list
Schedule builder list
Schedule builder board
Schedule builder board
Schedule builder board
Schedule builder board
Schedule builder board
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How does Bordio’s schedule builder work?
Bordio’s schedule builder explained in 2 minutes
Project management in the schedule builder

Master project management with Bordio’s schedule builder

Run projects confidently with Bordio’s schedule builder. Create one or multiple projects, manage them alone or with a team, and get to your professional and personal goals without stress or delays.

Project management can be tricky but with the right tools in place, you’ll be able to work everything out and reach great results. Bordio offers a set of features that help make the process easy for everyone.

Create recurring events in schedule builder

Create recurring tasks and events to optimize your time

One of the features we recommend everyone to use in our task organizer is recurring functionality for tasks and events. There is no reason why you’d type the same things over and over again instead of automating it.

Recurring tasks and events can be set up as often or rarely as you need them – every workday, or every day, week, month, and year. You can also create custom sequences for unique needs. And there is a Duplicate button for one-off repetitions.

Manage every task and event on one board

You don’t have to go back and forth with multiple tools to manage your tasks and emails from your personal and work lives. Bordio’s schedule builder keeps everything on one board helping you stay on track with everything you need to do.

We are strong believers in the power of a single schedule builder. It’s easier to manage, and harder to lose than if you log your personal tasks in one place, write down work-related stuff in a different notebook, and then have a separate app for all your creative ideas. That’s why Bordio is made to include both tasks and events from your personal and professional lives.

Review completed to-dos in the schedule builder

Review completed tasks for motivation and future planning

The weekly schedule planner by Bordio is not hiding or deleting the task once you mark it Complete. Instead, such tasks turn grey and stay right in the planner.

With completed tasks visible, users can keep track of what they’ve been up to and get an accurate overview of how much work they’ve done. This is helpful for future planning as you need to understand the workload that is realistic for you on an average day. And it also helps you stay motivated when the temptation to give up is high because you can see how far you’ve already come.

Create and manage tasks like a pro in the schedule builder

With Bordio, working with tasks is very easy. You can click on any spot in the calendar to create a task. The description field allows you to write down all task-related information and, therefore, makes you more productive when the time comes to work on the task.

Full task info in the schedule builder

All tasks are linked to your account by default, but you can reassign them to another team member in a couple of clicks.

If the task is large and will take a lot of time, or if you tend to procrastinate until the very last minute, add time blocks to the task to reserve the time for productive work during the following days, and get to the deadline all prepared and stress-free.

Prioritize to-dos based on their urgency

Move the tasks and events around in the schedule-builder based on their urgency

There are many ways you can work with the schedule maker. One of the proven ways to list your tasks and events is by their urgency. If you have 6-10 items that you need to tackle today, it is easy to get distracted and work through them randomly, leaving urgent stuff undone.

We offer an alternative route – list everything you have for the day based on urgency. Not all urgent tasks are very important, but they’re the ones that must be done asap. Have them on top and you’ll secure yourself more satisfaction and fewer issues at the end of the day.

Organize meetings via Bordio schedule builder

Make your team meetings better with the schedule builder

Nobody wants to waste their time on inefficient meetings. And with the daily schedule maker by Bordio you have all the tools to make your meetings better.

Set notifications to help all participants be prepared for the upcoming session. Customize them to pop up at the time of the start, 5 minutes to 2 hours before, or go as far as to give them a 24-hour reminder. Add all vital information to the description section and update it afterward with key points from the meeting.

Backlog of to-dos inside schedule builder

Keep everything that doesn’t fit into the schedule builder on the waiting list

The waiting list is a separate to-do list that’s available to all schedule builder users. It is designed to accommodate all thoughts, ideas, future plans, and worries that you can’t schedule in the upcoming weeks.

The goal is to keep track of such thoughts and save them on a single list, so you can deal with them when you have the time. Keeping everything on your mind can be mentally exhausting, so to help everyone stay focused on the current important tasks, we added the waiting list to the solution.

Sync Bordio with Google Calendar

Link Google Calendar to Bordio’s schedule builder

Bordio electronic planner supports integration with Google Calendar and it’s very easy to configure. With integration, users can see all their Google events right in Bordio’s interface.

And if you need to add external users to one of your Bordio events, type in their email addresses in the participants’ list, and the system will send them an auto-invite. Once the user accepts, they will see the event in their Google Calendar.

Plan your time in the schedule builder

Use time estimations for tasks in the schedule-builder to improve your planning

If time tracking doesn’t sound fun to you – you’re doing it wrong. With Bordio, whenever you create a task you can add suggested time that the task will take. As you complete the task, you can edit the estimation if you’ve spent a different time working than predicted.

If you add time estimations to all tasks in your schedule, you’ll see your accurate workload in hours on top of each day in the calendar. By doing it regularly, you’ll get an appreciation and a deeper understanding of your working patterns and will be able to predict the time something takes you to do better. This is a powerful skill that you can apply when planning projects or tasks in general.

Use time blocks in your schedule

Use time blocks in the schedule builder to be more productive

If you ever struggled with meeting a deadline, you need to try time blocks! These are essentially placeholders in the calendar that you add when creating a task. They signal that now is the time to get ahead and start the work, and they prevent you from booking yourself up to the point of having no time left for this particular task.

Time blocks might not help you 100% but they will bring you much closer to the end goal – the task completed on time. For example, if you have a report that should take 6 hours to finish, you can set three 2-hour time blocks prior to the deadline. Even if you don’t spend all 6 hours on work, you’ll still make significant progress and approach the deadline with more confidence.

Scroll the schedule builder left or right for flexible planning

If you want to plan your weeks starting with days other than Monday and Sunday, or if you want a quick way to navigate the schedule – there’s nothing easier than that with Bordio.

Users can scroll their planners left or right and go as far as one month from the current date. If that’s not far enough, quick navigation on top of the interface will enable you to jump from month to month in one click. To go back, you’ll only need to press the Today button.

Color code activities in your schedule

Color code your schedule builder for better visibility

When you work on several projects, tasks, and events in the time planner it can be hard to read the board with so many different activities and priorities.

If you want to instantly identify what’s your plan for the day, select unique colors from our palette and assign them to each group. And just like that – your board will not only look more friendly but will be more functional.

Manage interface elements in the schedule builder for a custom look

Whether you have a smaller screen that makes the interface too small, want a change, or need to remove absolutely all distractions, even the features you rarely use, you can achieve all that with Bordio.

All users can hide the waiting list and columns with projects and tools, and bring them back whenever they want. So, whatever your reasoning, feel free to adjust Bordio’s interface to your needs and make it exactly the schedule planner you want.

Schedule builder mobile app free download

Get the mobile app for the schedule builder

Planning and productivity don’t have to be stuck to your desk. Get Bordio’s mobile app and keep your to-dos, projects, and future plans with you 24/7. Check on them as you’re standing in line, on the commute, or while waiting for your kids’ practice to finish.

Don’t lose the momentum because you don’t have your planner with you – download it on your smartphone and write ideas and plans down as soon as you think of them.

Key benefits of using a schedule builder by Bordio

The schedule builder has six key benefits that all users can enjoy:

  • More structured days and weeks
  • Prioritization of important things
  • Control over one’s time
  • Less anxiety and stress
  • Finding the time for side projects
  • Achieving more during the day