Task Organizer For Personal and Team Tasks

All your planning and organizing needs are met in one solution – the task organizer by Bordio.

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Task organizer
Task organizer
Task organizer
Task organizer
Task organizer
Task organizer list
Task organizer list
Task organizer list
Task organizer list
Task organizer list
Task organizer board
Task organizer board
Task organizer board
Task organizer board
Task organizer board
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Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
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Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
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How does Bordio’s task organizer work?
Bordio’s task organizer explained in 2 minutes

Create and manage tasks and events via a single task organizer

We value your time that’s why we added both tasks and events to the single Bordio task planner solution. Forget about switching between multiple screens in hopes of figuring out what you need to do today.

With both tasks and events available on a single board, users can instantly see their total workload and plan around it. You have fewer tools to update, so there is less chance that an important task or meeting will be missed due to confusion.

Completed to-dos in the task organizer

See exactly what you’ve accomplished with completed tasks

One of the cool things about Bordio’s electronic planner is that it doesn’t hide completed tasks from you. Instead, it keeps them in your daily plan but highlights them with grey color. That way, you can clearly see those tasks are already done but at the same time you can view your complete workload for the day.

Too often we underplay how much we’ve done and only push ourselves to work harder, resulting in stress and burnout. By keeping visual track of your completed to-dos, you can stay motivated to finish everything. And if you see that day by day you work really hard but a big chunk of work is always left undone, it might be a signal to change your processes.

Repeating to-dos in the organizer

Add recurring tasks and events to your free task organizer

Stop adding the same tasks and events manually over and over again. Instead, create recurring items and sleep tight knowing you won’t forget about upcoming events or tasks.

Set them up to run daily or during the workweek only. Create events that will repeat every week, month, or year. And you can also create a fully custom recurring task, for example, if you need it to run every other week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Waiting list for all your ideas

Add unscheduled tasks and ideas to the waiting list

Anytime you have a bright idea or remember a chore that you can’t start working on immediately, store it safely on the waiting list. The waiting list is essentially a second to-do list in Bordio where anything that doesn’t require immediate action can go.

For example, you remember that you wanted to learn squash as you’re in the middle of your working day. Instead of relying on your brain to remember about it later, write it down on the waiting list that you can review in due course. That way, your brain is not filled with tons of different chores and things you need to get done, and you can focus on the urgent high-priority tasks.

Make sure the tasks you create empower you with Bordio

Task creation doesn’t sound particularly exciting to many of us, but this is part of the work that sets the tone for everything that follows. Bordio’s time planners are built to make this process as intuitive and non-invasive as possible.

Task information organization online

Every step is necessary, and there are no extra steps just for the sake of it. All new tasks include a description section for all instructions and comments that would help complete the task. Time blocks can be added on demand to reserve specific time throughout the week when you will work on that task.

As you move along with the task, update its status from Scheduled to In Progress to Completed. Statuses help you boost accountability, especially when you’re working alone. And if the task is a part of a bigger project, the change of status will signal to everyone else on the team that progress is being made.

Sync task organizer with Google calendar

Sync Google Calendar with Bordio free task organizer

Bordio’s time planner allows you to integrate Google Calendar and its users into the organizer’s interface. Adding Google Calendar to your Bordio board takes a couple of minutes and you get to see all Google’s events in a familiar Bordio interface.

If you have an event where a non-Bordio user needs to participate, type their email address in the participants’ list and they will get an automated email invite. Once they’ve accepted the invite, the event will show in their Google Calendar and you will see a green confirmation check in front of their avatar in Bordio.

Create projects in the task organizer

Run your private and work projects in the task-organizer

Project management is something that each of us does at some point in our lives. Whether it’s new house construction, a website update for your side hustle, or running projects at your company, – these are all projects.

We love projects at Bordio, that’s why we thought it’s only fitting to add this functionality to our virtual planner. You can run one or multiple projects at a time, manage them privately or recruit a team to help you, create and update tasks for others, view everyone’s completed tasks, and even add projects to Favorites so that they are pinned on top of the interface for convenience.

Estimate how much time each task takes

Estimate how much time each task takes with the task organizer app

One of the skills that all successful high achievers share is having a good understanding of their time: how much they work and how much time things take them. How do they do it? By watching their work patterns and tracking how long different tasks take them.

And you can do it too! Bordio enables you to add time estimations to all tasks you create and shows you the complete workload for the day. As you work through tasks, you can adjust the estimated time of completion if you’ve managed to do it faster or if it’s taken you longer than expected. Do this consistently, and you’ll be able to plan future activities and projects more accurately.

Time blocking in the task organizer

Assign time blocks to important tasks in the free task organizer

Forget about missing deadlines or rushing through the work at the last minute. Once you start using time blocks, you will unlock a world of high achievement with little stress attached. Whenever you have a task that requires a lot of preparation and work, add time blocks to create placeholders for your work sessions.

For example, if you have a task that takes you 4 hours to complete and is due on Thursday, you can create 2 x 2-hour time blocks on Monday and Wednesday to ensure the work gets done. And if it turns out the task actually requires more time, you’d have enough wiggle room to finish it without being overwhelmed.

Customize the task organizer view to align with your specific needs

Bordio’s online schedule planner is a tool you’ll be using on a daily basis, so it needs to make sense to you. Change it up a bit whenever you get bored of the previous setup or simply feel inspired to play with the UI.

Hide elements of the interface that you’re not using at the moment, such as the waiting list, or columns with projects and tools. Bring them back whenever you feel like it. List your tasks based on their urgency by dragging and dropping them in the calendar view. Add colors to different activity types to differentiate your projects from one another.

Calendar for quick navigation in the task organizer

Use convenient navigation in the task-organizer

We rarely only work on tasks for the current week. A lot of planning is done around the future months, and we also need to tap back into the past to double-check something every once in a while. For all these needs Bordio prepared quick and convenient navigation options.

You can scroll left or right up to one month from the current date. That way, you can plan your week starting with any day you like or easily review what was done a couple of weeks before and what’s scheduled for the upcoming weeks. The quick navigation at the top of the task organizer will let you smoothly scroll through months and pick the date you need, no matter how far off it is. And if you need to go back, simply click the Today button.

Smart meetings in the task organizer

Run smart meetings with the task organizer

Set yourself up for success – prepare for events with Bordio’s free schedule maker and future you and your team will thank you. Add the meeting agenda in the description section before the meeting and update it with key points and next steps once the meeting’s over.

Schedule notifications to remind everyone about the session. Set reminders to run at the time of the start of the meeting, a few minutes before, or give everyone a 24-hour notice to ensure they can all prepare and make the meeting truly productive.

Download the task organizer app on your phone

Take the free task organizer anywhere you go with the mobile app

Successful people don’t just plan their workday and do it while sitting at their desks. They’re always up to date with what is happening in their life, and they get constant updates through their smartphones.

That’s why it was paramount for the Bordio team to release a powerful, fully functional mobile app. Take it with you on the road, update your tasks as you’re waiting for your kids in the car, or check your to-do list in between meetings.

Key benefits of using a free task organizer by Bordio

Not sure the task tracker can make a difference to your days? Here are 6 reasons why it totally will:

  • Keeps you on top of all important tasks and events
  • Tracks where your time goes and helps waste less of it
  • Makes you less overwhelmed and more in control
  • Provides structure and clarity to your days
  • Helps reach your goals faster no matter the size
  • Enables you to achieve more in less time