Online Task Planner for Teams

Bordio is a task planner for teams that meets all the demands of modern life. It unites task, event, and project management all under one interface.

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Task calendar planner
Task calendar planner
Task calendar planner
Task calendar planner
Task calendar planner
Online task planner
Online task planner
Online task planner
Online task planner
Online task planner
Task planner
Task planner
Task planner
Task planner
Task planner
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
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How does Bordio’s task planner work?
Bordio’s task planner explained in 2 minutes
Tasks and events on one board in the planner

View and manage your tasks and events on a single board

We don’t believe in keeping tasks and events separate, so we’ve created a single board that combines the two! See all your upcoming events and pending tasks for the day or the week to get a realistic overview of your workload.

Stop wasting time jumping between different screens and applications. See 100% of what you need to do via a single console. Plan better, avoid missing deadlines, and enjoy a more relaxed rhythm to your days.

Integrate google calendar with task planner

Integrate Google Calendar with your daily task planner

We encourage you to move all your planning and work to Bordio, but we appreciate that it’s not always realistic. So if you are a Bordio user and still need to work with Google Calendar, we’re making it easier for you.

Our integration is super easy and only takes a couple of minutes and a few clicks to set up. Once you’re connected, all Google Calendar events will show directly in Bordio, allowing you to work in the familiar, user-friendly console.

Completed tasks in the daily task planner

Review completed tasks in the daily task planner

Bordio’s digital daily planner offers a revolutionary approach to completed tasks. Instead of having them disappear into the void as you click the Complete button, our tasks turn grey and stay visible in the timeline.

Why, you might ask? We believe seeing how much you’ve done versus how many tasks are still pending helps you stay motivated and encouraged to keep on working. When completed tasks are hidden, you can’t see how far you’ve come, so there’s little incentive to stay productive. Yet, when you see that you’ve already tackled six tasks and there are only two left – you’re more likely to power through the rest and finish the day on a high note.

Team projects in Bordio task planner

Manage private and team projects with Bordio’s task planner

Create and lead solo or group projects with the help of our task planner. Assign tasks to the team, monitor their progress, review completed tasks, and create helpful notes. Don’t let your creativity be affected by cumbersome tools or processes.

Whether you are a project manager or not, you most certainly run projects in your life. It can be house renovation, little side hustle, or even your education. Whatever it is, the time manager by Bordio has you covered. Work on multiple projects, create tasks for yourself and others and track everyone’s progress. Pin important projects on the top and write notes to keep the key information available to everyone.

Log detailed tasks that bring you closer to your goals

Getting to your goal starts with making a first step. And the first step is impossible without understanding what this first step needs to be. That’s where our task tracker comes into play. We pay special attention to the task creation process. There are many filters and options to fully customize it but we also keep it to the point, not to distract you or waste your time.

Task parametrs in the task planner app

Once you’ve come up with the task’s name and deadline, fill in the description field with instructions, references, and helpful links. The more information is available from the start, especially for complex tasks, the easier the following work process will be. If the task is going to take a while, users can add time blocks that would act as placeholders for work on the particular task in the upcoming days before the deadline.

Finally, choose whether to keep it under your name or reassign it to someone on the team. Users are notified when someone makes a change to their task, and they can also keep everyone else on the team in the loop about their progress by updating the task’s status from Scheduled to In Progress to Completed.

Unscheduled task storage in task planner

Store all your unscheduled tasks in the waiting list

How many times a day do you remember something that should be done but it’s not the right moment to think about it? We personally do this all the time! That’s why we created the waiting list in Bordio’s time organizer. The waiting list is a placeholder for all your creative ideas, future chores, work plans, and anything else that is too early to schedule, but you don’t want to forget about it either.

Think of it as a second to-do list where you can dump anything that’s on your mind. Together with your notes, the waiting list absorbs all the mental worry and anxiety that we maintain when we think about a million things. Instead, you log all your thoughts on the list, and you come back to it whenever you like.

Time estimations in Bordio task planner

Add time estimations in the task-planner

Every task takes a certain amount of time to complete. It is important to understand how much time they require for accurate planning and energy balancing. So many of us create daily to-do lists that require a total of 22 hours to complete. Very unrealistic, yet so often we push these utopian plans on ourselves, only to feel like losers when we don’t complete them by the end of the day.

By setting time estimates for each task, you’ll be able to see your realistic workload. You can adjust the time if the task took fewer or more hours than expected. This information will help you improve your planning of future tasks, events, and projects, resulting in you being more productive and maintaining a healthier work-life balance.

Built-in time blocks

Complete tasks easier with time blocks in the task planner

Whenever you have a big or important task coming up, add time blocks to it. Time blocks are placeholders that keep you accountable by ensuring there is time in your schedule reserved to work on the tasks you’ve scheduled.

Time blocks can be added to every task, and you can set one or multiple time blocks. Just remember that you won’t be able to complete the task until all time blocks are complete too. So, if you have a task with a deadline on Friday, and 3 time blocks on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, all of them will have to be completed before you cross out the Friday task. You can set time blocks to be as short or as long as you want, depending on the total task’s workload estimation.

Colors for tasks

Add colors to your daily task planner for better visibility

When you work on several projects, tasks, and plan events at the same time, your daily planner can look intimidating. A possible solution to that is adding colors to different types of activities so that you can differentiate between them.

Bordio’s schedule builder offers a selection of pastel colors that won’t make your eyes hurt but rather help you visualize your multi-user board and spot different types of activities within seconds. With color coding, you can easily see what kind of work occupies most of your time.

Recurring activities in the task planner

Make the most out of recurring tasks and events in the task planner

If you have meetings and tasks that repeat, say, every couple of weeks, don’t waste your time creating and logging them in the system every time. Instead, set up recurring tasks and events and have them pop up in your schedule automatically.

Avoid forgetting about important commitments and spend your time doing something more valuable than typing in the exact same tasks. Set recurring events and tasks to run daily, every workday, weekly, monthly, or yearly. Customize them to run on certain days in the week and end whenever is convenient for you.

Appointments in the task planner

Make your meetings better with the daily task planner

Bordio provides different functionality for efficient meetings. Not only can you add timely notifications (5,10,15, 30 minutes, or 24 hours in advance), but also add agenda in the description, and leave notes in the event details once it’s over.

The agenda will help all participants know what to expect and come prepared. Notes will ensure that all critical information, plans, and outcomes are logged and can be reviewed later by the team.

Use the left and right scrolling in the task planner

If you enjoy planning the upcoming week over the weekend, or just like random planning sessions in general, you’ve probably dealt with a situation when you need to go back and forth with the planning tool to see part of the current and part of the upcoming weeks.

Not only is it distracting, but also deeply annoying. Bordio’s task planner lets you scroll left or right up to one month from the current date, helping you plan on your own terms. Use your laptop’s pad, or a computer mouse, or click the button in the upper right corner to scroll.

External users invited to Bordio

Keep external users in the loop of your Bordio’s events

If you work on a task or a project with someone who is not using Bordio, you can still have them participate in joint events created in our task-planner.

If you have an upcoming meeting that you’d like non-Bordio users to join, add their email addresses to the list of participants. The system will auto-generate and send an invite email to them. Once users accept the invite, they will see your event in their Google Calendar. And you will see a green check mark against their avatar indicating that they’ve accepted and are now a part of the event.

Manage interface elements in the daily task planner

Whether you want to remove all distractions, have a smaller screen, or want to freshen things up – you can play with Bordio’s task organizer interface and hide or show certain elements.

For example, if you’re not using the waiting list all the time, you can hide it with one click. It’s also possible to hide columns with projects and tools. Once you need them, you can return them to your interface in no time.

Plan list of to-dos in the task planner

Plan and list your tasks based on their urgency

There are many ways in which you can approach a task planner. A strategy that we recommend trying is listing your tasks (and sometimes events) based on their urgency and importance.

In Bordio, you can drag and drop both tasks and events any way you like. If your plans or priorities change, adjust your task planner to reflect that. You can also move all your completed tasks either to the top or to the bottom of the task list. That way, they won’t meddle with the unfinished tasks, and you won’t overlook anything.

Quick access in Bordio planner

Use quick navigation to find the right dates faster in the task planner

If you need to plan a task on a certain day, check what else is scheduled, or block
time off for vacation or conference attendance, you can use quick navigation in Bordio’s schedule planner app to get right to the date you need.

Go to the top of the task planner to view the entire month, scroll between the months, and go back by pressing the Today button. Use this every time you need to work with a far-off date and save time. Every second counts!

Task planner mobile app

Take the task planner anywhere you go with the mobile app

These days, we are on 24/7, and we must stay on top of our to-dos anywhere we are. Bordio’s powerful mobile app helps you keep up with your tasks, events, projects, and ideas. You can use it anywhere: on the road, in cafes, and even at the beach.

The mobile version of the daily task planner contains all the same elements as the web version, so you won’t need to worry about synchronizing the two or missing out on a part of your workload. Wherever you go – we go!

Key benefits of using a daily task planner by Bordio

We are confident our task planner can change your life, Here is how:

  • Help you become more calm and collected
  • Add a much-needed structure to your life
  • Remind you about the most important tasks
  • Show you exactly where your time is going
  • Help get to your goals much faster
  • Empower you to achieve more in less time