Digital Daily Planner for Team And Individual Work

Planning your days and scheduling the weeks should be easy, fun, and rewarding with our digital daily planner.

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Digital daily planner
Digital daily planner
Digital daily planner
Digital daily planner
Digital daily planner
Digital daily planner list
Digital daily planner list
Digital daily planner list
Digital daily planner list
Digital daily planner list
Digital daily planner board
Digital daily planner board
Digital daily planner board
Digital daily planner board
Digital daily planner board
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
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How does Bordio’s digital daily planner work?
Bordio’s digital daily planner explained in 2 minutes
Navigate your digital daily planner

Plan better with easy navigation in the digital daily planner

Planning looks very different for every user. Not everyone starts their week on Monday, hence it’s important to give everyone flexibility with planning. In Bordio’s time manager, users can scroll left and right for up to a month from the current date. This means they can easily go back to the past or peek into the future, and they are free to work on the week starting from any day – Sunday, Wednesday, or even Friday.

And for anyone who doesn’t enjoy scrolling or needs to work with a date that’s more than a month away, quick navigation on the top of the board will help them jump months and go back easily by clicking the Today button.

Manage projects in your digital daily planner

Launch and manage projects for work or personal life

Project management is unavoidable. From upgrading your company’s IT infrastructure to overseeing house renovations – all projects, no matter how big or small, have to be managed properly. And it all starts with the right tools.

Managing projects with Bordio is very straightforward. Create as many projects as you like, add team members or work alone, and focus on personal or professional parts of your life. Whatever it is – we have you covered.

Digital daily planner with Google calendar

Integrate Bordio’s digital-daily-planner with Google Calendar

Bordio’s integration with Google Calendar takes minutes to set up, and it enables you to view your Google Calendar events in Bordio’s interface. Even if you have to use Google Calendar for some projects or tasks, don’t let it stop you from enjoying the familiar and convenient interface of Bordio’s schedule planner.

To make external users part of your Bordio events, add their email addresses to the list of participants, and the system will issue them an auto-invite. Once accepted, the user will have all Bordio’s event details in their Google Calendar, and you will see a green tick box next to their avatar.

Automate tasks and events

Automate repeating tasks and events with recurring sequences

Don’t waste your time manually typing the same things over and over again. Create recurring tasks and events, and kill two birds with one stone – save time and ensure you won’t forget about something.

You can choose to make recurring tasks repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, or make them fully custom. And if you have a task or event that will only repeat once, you can use the Duplicate functionality.

Let the tasks you create help you be more productive

Task creation is an art form. Whether or not you’ll procrastinate a task depends largely on how well you have it outlined in your schedule builder.

Organize tasks in the digital daily planner

With Bordio, everything is customizable – the name, the deadline, and the owner can all be changed and adjusted. The description field is perfect for key instructions, helpful tips, and useful links.

Time Estimation enables you to control how much work you’re doing and how good your time management skills are. Time blocks will hold the space for you in the schedule to ensure you have the resource to work on the tasks you’ve planned for yourself.

Manage your tasks and events on a single board

Use Bordio’s task planner for all personal and work-related tasks and events. Keep just one schedule and see your entire workload in it. Forget about jumping from one app to the other trying to understand what needs to be done on a given day.

Not having to worry about missing a deadline or an important meeting will set you free from the stress you weren’t even aware you had. Trying to stay on top of a messy schedule is much more taxing mentally than we’re used to thinking. But that won’t be an issue with Bordio.

Time estimations in digital daily planner

Estimate task duration in the daily digital planner

The same task can take us different times to complete today and in a week’s time. Yet, if we keep track of how long everything takes us, with time we’ll develop a better understanding of our working patterns and will be able to predict and plan better.

With Bordio’s schedule maker, you can add time estimates for every single task you work on. Once you’re finished, you can adjust the duration if your prediction was off. Do this for every task you create, and you will be able to see your total workload for each day. Use this information when you’re planning the upcoming weeks, projects, and anything else.

Track completed activities in the digital daily planner

Review completed tasks in the daily planner digital

When you start using Bordio, you’ll notice that completed tasks don’t disappear from the board but turn grey instead. This is intentional because we believe in the power of having the work you’ve already done in front of you.

Not only does it help you get a better appreciation of your progress (something we often forget about in the fast-paced environment of the modern world), but it can also stimulate you to finish those last bits of work that you were going to leave for another day. Because when you’ve already crossed out most of the things on the list and you can see that, the remaining workload won’t seem as bad.

Backlog for all new ideas in the digital daily planner

Keep all future plans on the digital daily planner’s waiting list

Constantly thinking about a thousand things give us anxiety and disrupts our productivity. To combat this issue, our electronic planner offers the ultimate solution – the waiting list.

It is a perfect placeholder for anything and everything that’s cluttering your mind but you can’t start working on it at the moment. Essentially, it is a second to-do list, located to the right of the main planner. Write down chores, tasks, plans, and thoughts on the waiting list. Come back to review them and move tasks to the main planner when you have the capacity.

Manage time blocks in your planner

Manage tasks with time blocks to meet deadlines

Completing tasks is not always an easy job, but luckily time blocks are here to help. They act as placeholders in your time organizer that ensure you have time booked for work on tasks on your list.

You can add time blocks for every task in Bordio and create one of several of them. Each time block can be from 15 minutes to 10 hours long. The task can only be completed after you’ve finished all time blocks. And even if you’ve underestimated the workload and haven’t finished everything during assigned time blocks, you’ll still likely make much more significant progress than without them.

Improved team meetings in Digital daily planner

Improve team meetings with the daily planner digital

Make the most of every meeting you plan or run together with the task maker by Bordio. Write detailed agenda and homework for team members in the description section of the event. Set notifications that would give your colleagues enough time to prepare. Choose between 0, 5,10,15,30 minutes, or 1,2 or 24 hours notification period.

When the meeting is over, make sure to write down all key information: main points that were agreed on, solutions to problems discussed, and next steps. Keep track of all data that can be used in future meetings and discussions.

Play with the interface of the daily digital planner

Bordio’s time planner is made to help you succeed. And if you want to change things up a bit to help your productivity or just for fun – we are here for it. That’s why we have tools to customize the appearance of the solution at your disposal.

The selection of soft colors can be used to differentiate between different types of tasks, events, or projects. Assign a different color to everything in your planner and you’ll have a clear visual representation of what takes up how much of your days. Hide elements that you’re not using every day – the waiting list, the column with projects, and the column with tools – and make your planner more minimal. Whenever you need the hidden functionality – put it back with a single click.

Digital daily planner on your mobile phone

Sign up for the daily planner digital app

The mobile app by Bordio’s daily digital planner is more than a productivity tool. It’s your personal assistant available to you 24/7, anywhere you go.

All you need is your smartphone and you’ll have constant access to your tasks and events and will be able to view real-time progress on the projects you run. And if inspiration strikes you – the waiting list will be right there to help you store the idea securely until you have time to work on it.

Main benefits of using Bordio’s digital daily planner

The digital daily planner by Bordio offers countless benefits, here are the main ones:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Control of your schedule and life
  • A clear plan that rights decision fatigue
  • Less time gets wasted
  • Important tasks get done
  • You manage to do more during the day