Online Weekly Planner For Teams

Bordio is an online weekly planner app to organize your team’s weekly to-dos. Set goals, plan your week, create events, move tasks, and review progress all in one place.

No credit card required.
Weekly planner
Weekly planner
Weekly planner
Weekly planner
Weekly planner
Weekly planner list online
Weekly planner list online
Weekly planner list online
Weekly planner list online
Weekly planner list online
Weekly planner board
Weekly planner board
Weekly planner board
Weekly planner board
Weekly planner board
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
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How does a weekly planner online work
Bordio’s online weekly planner explained in 2 minutes
control your time with weekly planner app

Take back control of your time with a weekly planner app

The world seems to be running faster day by day, and it’s getting harder to keep up with everything that’s going on. More often we feel like hamsters on the wheel, and the best way to shake it off is by planning and structuring our days. A weekly planner app enables us to take a close look at everything that needs to be done and the time we have to do it to then prioritize accordingly.

Once organized, you start to feel that you are, once again, in control of what you’re doing and when you’re doing it which is necessary to keep anxiety under control and not get overwhelmed.

plan your weeks

Plan your weeks so they won’t go to waste

Taking the time to plan your days and weeks saves you lots of time in execution. With a weekly planner online, you get to focus on your daily and weekly goals and work towards achieving your goals, both short and long-term.

Stay on top of your commitments with Bordio’s schedule planner by creating tasks, adding detailed task notes, and moving your tasks from one day to another easily if your plans have been changed.

plan weekly tasks in advance

Organize and plan your week in advance in the weekly planner

Many ideas never come to life because we don’t plan for them to happen. Taking the time to plan out your week in your schedule maker before it starts is a powerful way to upgrade your life. Use the planner to identify your weekly goals, log tasks, create notes, and set reminders. Follow the plan during the week and make necessary amendments on the go.

The beauty of having a plan is that even if you don’t complete 100% of it, you will do more than if there was no plan at all.

weekly planner online for different platforms

Enjoy the convenience of the online weekly planner

Unlike paper weekly planners, Bordio’s task planner doesn’t get damaged by water or lost and you never run out of space for your tasks, events, and projects. There is always enough room for your detailed notes, and should a particular task need to be edited, moved, or deleted, – you can do it in a few clicks.

Handling tasks is super easy with 24/7 access to your online weekly planner via smartphone or laptop.

time estimates

Manage time better with task duration estimation

Tired of planning to do 5 things during the day but only accomplishing 2 of them? You might blame procrastination, laziness, or lack of self-discipline for it, when, in reality, the reason is that you didn’t plan for those tasks right. Next time you create a task in Bordio’s task tracker, add the estimated time that you think the task will require. Then track time spent completing the to-do.

Do this exercise for every task you work on, especially for the repetitive ones. When the time comes to plan for a similar task in the future, you will have a much better idea of how many hours the job will require.

schedule tasks and events in the weekly planner

Schedule tasks and events right in your online weekly planner

A weekly planner needs to be easy to use, and Bordio is just that. You can create tasks and events and schedule them with a couple of clicks.

You can choose to create them in the to-do list or straight in the calendar. Simply click on the time and date within the calendar and the option to create a task or event will appear.

Use the online calendar to schedule tasks for upcoming days or to offload your main to-do list.

Create time blocks to reserve time for important tasks

Too often important tasks are pushed back by urgent and low-value issues. We let it slide one time, two times, three, and then, next thing we know, it’s been 6 months since we’ve planned to work on the important stuff, but nothing is accomplished yet.

If that nightmare is all too familiar to you, then time blocks are what you need. When creating new tasks in our online daily planner, you have an option of creating additional time blocks that will show up as placeholders in the weekly planner online. Allocate them throughout the weeks before the tasks’ deadline to guarantee that you will have availability to complete them.

You won’t be able to complete the task until all time blocks are dealt with too, so use it as an extra motivation to stay organized without postponing the work. Time blocks are great for those who struggle with completing high-reward tasks due to the daily hecticness of life.

time blocks in the weekly planner
color coding

Visualize your workload with color coding

When you have many weekly tasks, your planner becomes harder to work with – all tasks are mixed together in one to-do list and it’s hard to understand what’s where.

Arrange your weekly tasks based on color with color coding. Organize your week plan and, for example, separate recurring tasks from essential tasks. Choose between available colors and create your own categories, for example, hobbies, work projects, and sports.

review completed tasks

Review completed tasks in the week’s planner online

Unlike the majority of task management tools, weekly planners, and calendars, such as Google Calendar, Bordio’s online weekly planner leaves completed tasks visible but marks them grey.

At the end of the day, you can see everything that you’ve worked on and how much time it took you. This gives you a sense of accomplishment and allows you to correctly evaluate how the day went for you. Also, if you need to report to someone on your progress, everything you’ve done is there in front of you.

waiting list for not yet scheduled tasks

List all tasks for later in the waiting list

The waiting list is the space designated for all tasks that are on your mind but that can’t be scheduled right now. Treat it as a to-do list for everything that doesn’t fit into your weekly planner online.

Unlike a paper weekly planner, the waiting list in the online schedule builder has no limits, so you can add essential tasks along with brainstorming ideas when you get a creative splash.

One of the reasons we can’t stay focused on one thing is that there are tens of thoughts in our heads at all times. We are always afraid of forgetting something, and the added stress prevents us from giving our full attention to the task at hand.

set reminders

Get reminded about upcoming events exactly when you need it

Get reminded about upcoming events exactly when you need it. Bordio’s event notifications offer you several options for when they should go off, so you can have them pop up when you need them, and not only 15 minutes before the event start.

That way, notifications help prepare for the events, and not have you panic because you forgot to prepare. Use notifications for both personal and professional tasks, and make sure you’re on top of everything that’s going on in your life.

work on projects

Work on projects through your weekly planner app

You don’t need a separate project management tool with customizable templates to work on your projects. Use Bordio to focus on projects for your work or personal life. Add tasks and events for the project, and track progress with Bordio’s weekly planner.

All tasks and events from your projects will appear in My Workspace to help you better understand your workload and use your time efficiently.

weekly planner mobile app
Access your weekly planner
online, anytime, anywhere

Keep your weekly schedule planner in your pocket anywhere you go. The weekly planner by Bordio is available as a web version or an app for iOS and Android.

Never worry about carrying a bigger bag or backpack to accommodate your paper planner – the digital weekly planner is always there, as long as you have your phone or PC with you.

What you will achieve with a weekly planner

  • Meet all deadlines
  • Work at a sustainable pace
  • Know exactly what you need to do
  • Plan your time smarter
  • Accomplish more goals sooner
  • Find time for work and personal life