Time Manager Online for Teams and Individuals

With an online timer manager, you get to manage tasks, events, and projects, and you have a safe place for your future unscheduled to-dos

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Time manager online.
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Time manager online
Time manager online
Time manager list
Time manager list
Time manager list
Time manager list
Time manager list
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Time manager board
Time manager board
Time manager board
Time manager board
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Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
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How does Bordio’s time manager work?
Bordio’s time manager explained in 2 minutes
Keep tasks and events on a single board

Keep tasks and events together on a single board

Using just one task maker for tasks and events means you are more productive. You get to see 100% of what needs to be done, so you forget fewer commitments and miss fewer deadlines.

In a world where people are constantly stressed and juggle a thousand things at once, any complication, such as having a separate calendar and a task planner, will inevitably result in a missed opportunity. With a single board, you can plan better and keep everything under control.

Projects included in the time manager

Run team projects in the time-manager

Everyone is a project manager these days. You might not have it in your title, but you have, for sure, managed at least a couple of projects in your lifetime without realizing it. And next time you need to manage a project for your team or arrange something in your personal life, use Bordio’s task tracker for that.

With Bordio you can create and oversee multiple projects at a time, create tasks and assign them to team members, track everyone’s progress, and get notified if someone changes a task assigned to you.

Create repeats in the time manager

Create recurring tasks and events in the time manager

Recurring tasks and events can be used for regular work meetings, personal appointments, or even habit tracking. Whatever it is – they are great helpers in reminding you about upcoming to-dos, and they save a lot of time that you would otherwise spend manually logging these tasks and events in the system.

When creating a recurrence, you can fully customize it or choose from one of the standard options – daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly sequence. Besides that, Bordio users can choose to have tasks or events repeated on weekdays only, leaving the weekend out.

Visualize your tasks with colors

Visualize all your tasks in the time manager with color coding

Color coding serves different purposes. If you work on many projects or have a lot going on in your life in general, color coding different types of activities will help you easily see what you’re doing and when by glancing at your schedule builder.

Assigning different colors to tasks and projects will also help you not be as intimidated by your schedule. If you see that the day is not one big to-do, but a selection of smaller jobs, you’ll procrastinate less and will feel more comfortable with starting the work.

Change the way you deal with tasks

Getting to your dream results starts with identifying and writing down a list of tasks. Bordio’s online planner ensures you’re all set up for success. Task creation is made easy and intuitive, yet it includes all the options a modern professional might need.

Task details in the time manager

To create a task, either choose the blue Add New button on the top of the interface or click on any free space in the planner. You will be offered to write a custom name and task description. Make sure you include all helpful info, such as links and references, along with a detailed task description. Even if you’ll be working on the task by yourself, instructions will help you remember everything correctly down the line.

Next, add time blocks that will act as placeholders in your calendar and ensure you have enough capacity to get the work done. The Estimated Time field is for the number of hours and minutes the task should take you. Use it to understand your work patterns better. And finally, you can choose the due date and change the task owner if required.

Import your Google calendar meetings

Use Google Calendar integration with the time manager app

In case you need to use Google Calendar, you can easily integrate it with Bordio and enjoy the familiar interface of the time manager while not missing out on any events. Integration takes just a few clicks, and you don’t have to be technical to set it up.

And if you work with contractors or partners who are not Bordio users, you can share your events with them in their calendars too. Add email addresses to the list of event participants, and they will get an auto-invite. Once accepted, they will see all event details in their Google Calendar.

Completed task tracking via time manager

Keep track of completed tasks in the time manager

Unlike the competition, Bordio’s digital daily planner enables its users to keep track of all completed tasks. We do that to ensure you get to see what you’ve been working on during the day or the week and keep yourself both accountable and motivated.

To help differentiate completed tasks, the system turns them grey, so they are contrasting with the rest of the tasks and events. Users can review each day and see how much they were able to finish versus how many tasks are left pending. This data is a good ground for planning and scheduling.

Use time manager to set estimations

Make the most of time estimations in the time-manager

Time estimates for tasks are invaluable if you want to improve your time management and become a better planner. We constantly overestimate how much work we’ve done yet simultaneously underestimate how long a job takes us.

Time estimates will help with both. Add them to each task you create and adjust them whenever necessary. If you do that, you’ll get to see your accurate workload. Plus, you’ll be able to use that data for planning future projects and ensuring you’re scheduling an adequate amount of work that you can actually handle.

Offload your brain with the time manager app

Offload your brain to the waiting list in the time manager app

Have you ever thought about how much of your energy is drained by having to think about hundreds of things all the time? It’s exhausting! And it’s causing you stress and lowers your productivity.

The waiting list in our time organizer serves as a place for all your ideas, thoughts, issues, worries, and chores. Whenever you think about something that has to be done in the future – write it down on the waiting list and stay focused on your main tasks for the day. Check on the waiting list regularly and move some of its items to the main planner whenever their time comes. Do this for a few weeks and you’ll feel how much more relaxed you are and how much more you can achieve within the same timespan.

Utilize timeblocks in the time manager app

Utilize time blocks in the time manager to deal with important tasks

We need to follow the work schedule we create for ourselves. Otherwise, we might get into trouble. And time blocks help us stay on track and avoid the snowball effect where it gets hard to catch up and we are left anxious and burnt out.

The way time blocks work is, whenever you create a task, you have an option to add one or multiple time blocks to it. Each time block can be from 15 minutes up to 10 hours, but they all have to be scheduled before the task’s deadline. In the calendar, you will see them almost as regular tasks occupying space in the day. Once you complete all time blocks, you will be able to complete the task too.

Prepare for meeting with time manager

Prepare for meetings better with the time manager app

When the whole team comes together for a meeting, it’s important to not waste anyone’s time. With Bordio, you can set flexible notifications to remind everyone about the upcoming event. Choose between 0,5,15,30, 60, or 120 minutes before the meeting, or make it 24 hours if preparation is required.

Speaking of preparation, add the agenda, questions, links, and anything else that’s required for the meeting in the Description box. Once the meeting is over, add notes and follow-up steps to the description too, and make sure nothing important is lost or forgotten.

Use quick navigation or scroll left and right to find the right dates

Bordio schedule planner makes it easy to find the date you need. Scroll left or right for up to a month from the current day to review previous weeks, find a specific task or event, or plan the upcoming days.

Alternatively, go to quick navigation to find the date you need, no matter how far away it is. When you’re done, simply click the Today button to go back to the current week.

List tasks in your time manager app

List the tasks in your time manager based on urgency

About 20% of things we do generates 80% of the results. So make sure you focus on the right 20%. Evaluate your daily schedule and identify the most important tasks. Drag and drop them to the top of the list to ensure you start with them.

Bordio’s time manager is very flexible, and you can move things around as many times as you’d like. So if your priorities change, or something urgent comes up, your planner will instantly reflect that.

Hide elements of the interface in the time manager

With Bordio, you can hide or show the waiting list, the column with projects, and the column with tools. Once you decide to use them, you can show them in the interface with one click.

This feature in Bordio’s task organizer will be great for anyone who struggles with concentration and needs as few distractions as possible, or someone with a smaller screen who would benefit from saving some screen space by not seeing the functionality they’re not using regularly.

Download time manager app for free

Download the time manager app and stay productive

The time manager app is not only lightweight and robust, but it also has the same key functionality as the web version. You won’t have to run to your desk or carry the laptop everywhere to remain productive.

Check the mobile app for 24/7 updates on upcoming tasks and events, track how well your projects are going, and dump all ideas on the waiting list. Don’t risk forgetting about something, stay on your A-game regardless of circumstances.

Key benefits of using a time manager by Bordio

The time manager is much more than storage for your tasks and events:

  • Helps you transform chaos into a clear structure
  • Makes you calmer and more organized
  • Visualizes where your time is going
  • Keeps you focused on the most important tasks
  • Helps you achieve more with the resources you have
  • Supports you in getting to your goals faster