Work Task Tracker to Improve Team Efficiency

Increase your productivity with Bordio’s Work Tast Tracker. Say goodbye to unnecessary integrations. Stick to what matters the most and sync all your tasks on one single board.

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work task tracker calendar
Team task tracker table view calendar
Team task tracker table view calendar
Team task tracker table view calendar
Team task tracker table view calendar
work task tracker tabile view
Team task tracker table view
Team task tracker table view
Team task tracker table view
Team task tracker table view
work task tracker
Team task tracker table view
Team task tracker table view
Team task tracker table view
Team task tracker table view
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
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How does Bordio’s Work Task Tracker work?

Our Work Task Tracker explained in 2 minutes.
/create projects in work task tracker

Add projects to improve the way you track tasks

Bordio’s work task tracker is your solution to effortlessly manage projects and tasks. Organize your projects in a user-friendly left column, rearrange them for priority, and create folders for better management. Our platform empowers you to add colleagues and external guests to projects, facilitating collaboration without extra cost. By enabling detailed project planning and task assignment, Bordio helps you keep your team aligned and projects on track.

/task scheduling in work task tracker

Take advantage of task scheduling within a work task tracker

How do you ensure that every day is productive? Bordio’s work task tracker lets you assign tasks to specific days, not just set due dates. This distinction means you can organize each day’s tasks ahead of time, keeping your week planned and your focus sharp. Whether a task is due next week or next month, you’ll know exactly when to work on it, ensuring you remember and manage everything important.

/waiting list in work task tracker

Prepare ready-to-set future tasks in Bordio’s Waiting List

Optimize your task management with Bordio’s waiting list. It serves as a holding area for tasks that are on hold, ensuring they don’t clutter your main calendar. This feature, easily accessible next to your daily calendar, allows you to focus on immediate tasks while still keeping future assignments in sight. Expand or collapse the waiting list as your workload changes throughout the day.

/create events in work task tracker

Track work tasks through event creation

Say goodbye to the chaos of team task planning with Bordio’s intuitive features. Bordio’s work task planner allows you to seamlessly create and manage events alongside your tasks. Invite team members, set reminders, and monitor responses—all in one place. With Bordio, you can streamline your workflow and keep your team aligned and productive. Experience the ease of team task planning with Bordio as your go-to solution.

/team workload in work task tracker

Plan a work task tracker to monitor your team’s workload

Gain insight into your team’s daily commitments with Bordio’s work task tracker. It displays the number of tasks and meetings alongside the total hours needed for each team member. This feature helps you understand how workload is distributed across your team, enabling more informed planning and workload management without overburdening anyone.

/recurring tasks in work task tracker

Automate your work task tracker using Bordio’s recurring tasks

Managing a team is an art form that requires precision and adaptability. Bordio’s work task tracker turns this challenge into an opportunity by introducing the ability to create recurring tasks and events. From daily check-ins to the first Monday of each month, set your schedule once and Bordio will ensure it’s reflected across your team’s calendar. This not only reduces the manual workload but also keeps everyone aligned and focused on the tasks at hand, enhancing productivity and team cohesion.

Fit your entire task list in one work task tracker

Get a complete picture of your team’s activities with Bordio’s work task tracker. By aggregating tasks and events from all projects into a single board, you can easily see what each member is tasked with, no matter the project. This global view assists in managing deadlines and ensures that no task goes unnoticed, helping your team stay on track.

view all todos in work task tracker
view all todos in work task tracker
/review performance in work task tracker

Use our work task tracker to get a view of team performance

How well is your team achieving their targets? With Bordio, you can use the work task tracker to monitor team performance closely. The Calendar provides a comprehensive overview of recent accomplishments, while the Kanban board and Table view offer granular insights into specific projects. By observing these details, you can guide your team to enhance their productivity and address any issues proactively, ensuring everyone is aligned and focused.

/time tracking in work task tracker

Allocate work hours for tasks with our time tracker

Steering a project to success isn’t straightforward, especially with time management. With Bordio, you can activate a timer for any task, take breaks as needed, and precisely log work time. This feature is pivotal for understanding team effort on a granular level, enhancing project timelines, and ensuring fair and accurate billing for clients. Bordio’s approach to time tracking simplifies project oversight.

/my work in work task tracker

Improve self-productivity with own space in “My Work”

With Bordio’s “My Work” section, see all tasks and events relevant to you in one place. Choose how you view them—table or calendar—to best suit your workflow and focus strictly on your assignments. This feature simplifies task management for those who primarily execute tasks without project management responsibilities.

/week planning in work task tracker

Build a work task tracker for your weekly plans using Bordio

Take control of your weekly planning with Bordio’s intuitive task tracker. Display your work week and waiting list on a single screen, moving tasks to designated days as needed. Each day shows the cumulative time for scheduled tasks, helping you and your team stay aware of daily commitments and manage time effectively. It’s an ideal solution for keeping everyone’s week on track.

mobile app for work task tracker

Keep tab of your work task tracker through our mobile app

Need to check your day’s tasks from anywhere? Bordio’s mobile app lets you view and manage your daily to-do list, schedule events, and even create tasks. Quickly toggle between projects, view your team’s progress, and communicate through real-time chat. Whether it’s updating your calendar or switching to a Kanban board, everything is just a few taps away.

Major features of our Work Task Tracker to help your team

Your business does better when project planners have the right gear. Bordio’s got what they need to:

  • A unified board to oversee every project.
  • Tools to create events with Google integration.
  • A built-in workflow tracker.
  • Messaging features for better collaboration.
  • A spacious drive for task files.
  • Personalized task types and subcategories.