Work Task Manager to Simplify Project Management

Simplify task management and start creating successful projects with Bordio’s Work Task Manager – The uncomplicated management tool for your next big project!

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work task manager calendar
work task manager calendar
work task manager calendar
work task manager calendar
work task manager calendar
work task manager
work task manager
work task manager
work task manager
work task manager
work task manager kanban
work task manager kanban
work task manager kanban
work task manager kanban
work task manager kanban
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Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
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How does Bordio’s Work Task Tracker work?

Our Work Task Tracker explained in 2 minutes.
create projects in work task manager

Make your projects organized with a work task manager

Bordio’s work task manager transforms how you plan and collaborate on projects. It allows for easy setup and customization of projects, task assignments, and the inclusion of external guests, streamlining the collaboration process. By facilitating a more organized workspace where every task is transparent and accountable, Bordio enhances team productivity and project oversight, making project management a breeze for teams of all sizes.

task scheduling in work task manager

Elevate results through work scheduling in our task manager

Imagine building a skyscraper without a blueprint; that’s team management without Bordio’s work task manager. By allowing specific day scheduling for tasks, Bordio lays the foundation for your project, ensuring each floor is added in sequence without missing a beat. This methodical approach ensures your team efficiently moves from the groundwork to the penthouse, making project milestones as attainable as stepping from one stone to another across a stream.

waiting list in work task manager

List down future tasks in our work task manager’s Waiting List

What’s the best way to deal with tasks that can’t be immediately scheduled? The “Waiting List” in Bordio’s team task tracker provides an ingenious solution. Positioned conveniently next to the calendar, it serves as temporary storage for future tasks, ensuring your schedule stays organized and manageable. This feature helps in prioritizing daily tasks while securing a place for those pending tasks, offering a clear path for future planning.

team workload in work task manager

Be a fair team leader with a balanced workload

Use Bordio to get a detailed breakdown of your team’s tasks and meetings for each day. You’ll see not only the quantity of tasks but also the total time they’re committed, helping you to judge how to allocate work without overburdening anyone. It’s a straightforward approach to keep everyone’s workload manageable and transparent, day by day.

recurring tasks in work task manager

Develop a work task manager by setting up recurring tasks

The relentless cycle of scheduling and rescheduling work tasks can drain even the most organized of us. Enter Bordio’s work task manager, your new best friend for setting recurring tasks and events. Whether it’s daily tasks, every first Monday, or every month on the 3rd, just set them up once and let Bordio handle the rest. This liberates you from the scheduling hamster wheel, ensuring you have more time to concentrate on strategic planning and team engagement.

review performance in work task manager

Use our work task manager to review team performance

Trying to manage work tasks without Bordio is like navigating without a compass—possible, but why make it hard? Our work task manager shines a light on your team’s performance, offering a calendar to view collective progress and Kanban or Table views for project specifics. It’s designed to pinpoint successes and areas for improvement, guiding your team to better strategies and smoother project execution.

track progress in work task manager

Get access to all completed work tasks to track progress

Picture managing tasks as trying to assemble a puzzle in the dark. Bordio lights the way. Our work task manager grays out completed tasks, offering instant visibility on achievements through both the Calendar and Kanban board. This keeps every completed and ongoing task in clear view, ensuring your team knows exactly where they stand and where they’re headed, all with just a quick glance.

View all work tasks at a glance to simplify project management

Bordio consolidates tasks and events from various projects into a single, accessible board for any team. This unified display allows you to see every detail of your team’s schedule—what everyone is working on today and what they plan to tackle tomorrow. It’s an ideal way to keep a pulse on your team’s overall workload and project contributions within the organization.

view all todos work task manager
view all todos work task manager
add tags in work task manager

Organize an efficient work task manager by adding task tags

Task organization in large projects can be hard. Bordio’s tag feature transforms chaos into order. Tagging tasks, whether newly created or existing, highlights and categorizes them for quick reference. The system shows all available tags to prevent duplication and encourages uniform tag application across your team. Employing filters to sort by tags lets you rapidly locate tasks, enhancing your ability to manage and execute projects effectively.

upload files in work task manager

Save work files in any format within your task manager

Do you need a better way to share files among your team? Bordio’s work task manager provides a dedicated space to upload and attach files to tasks and events. With support for all file formats, it ensures that your team can easily preview and retrieve documents in a couple of clicks, maintaining organization and accessibility.

upload files in work task manager

Instantly view task notifications in your work task manager

In the whirlwind of day-to-day tasks, Bordio’s work task manager is your calm in the storm, alerting you to every significant task change or rescheduling. This way, you’re never out of the loop on project developments. Prefer to dial down the notifications? Unfollow tasks with simplicity. Bordio keeps you connected to your work’s pulse without the overwhelm.

my work in work task manager

Check Bordio’s My Work to manage specific tasks better

Keeping a team on track is no small feat. Bordio’s work task manager simplifies the process, offering a dedicated “My Work” section for your personal tasks and events. Whether you prefer a calendar or table view, it ensures you focus solely on your workload. It’s an invaluable resource for those not in charge of project management but crucial to project success, making every task manageable.

my work in work task manager

Map out your week easily with Bordio’s work task manager

Effective team management starts with clear weekly planning. Bordio’s work task manager brings clarity to your week with a dedicated column for each day and a handy waiting list for tasks. This approach allows you to move tasks effortlessly from the backlog to specific days, ensuring a balanced workload. The visibility of total estimated times for daily tasks aids in gauging the day’s busyness, helping you and your team stay organized and on track.

mobile app for work task manager

Monitor your work task manager on your phone with our app

Are you looking to keep your daily and future tasks well-organized even while you’re away from your desk? Bordio’s mobile app is your ultimate tool for managing your to-do list efficiently. It allows you to not only review and adjust your schedule but also create new tasks and monitor the overall productivity of your team. Whether you need to switch from Calendar to Kanban board or communicate directly with team members, everything is possible with a few taps on your mobile device. This level of control and flexibility ensures that no detail is missed, even when you’re on the move.

Key advantages of using our Work Task Tracker

Too many features on a Work Task Tracker can make managing projects a headache. In Bordio, we integrate the tools you only need:

  • Build teams and handle multiple projects at once.
  • Get different project views for convenience.
  • A dependable task tracker within in the app.
  • Instant messaging for seamless communication.
  • Get accurate predictions for how long tasks will take.
  • Use the app to communicate with your team.