Work Task List for Effective Managers

Provide structure to your planning process. Experience Bordio’s Work Task List from start to finish and see how your plan turns into reality in no time.

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work task list calendar
work task list calendar
work task list calendar
work task list calendar
work task list calendar
work task list
work task list
work task list
work task list
work task list
work task list kanban
work task list kanban
work task list kanban
work task list kanban
work task list kanban
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
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How does a Work Task List work?

Our Work Task List explained in 2 minutes.
add teams in work task list

Create teams in dedicated work task lists

Do you find managing various teams and their specific tasks challenging? Bordio simplifies this process with a robust work task list that lets you create teams, assign tasks directly to team members, and schedule necessary meetings within a single platform. Use the easy-to-navigate panel on the left to switch between different teams quickly. This feature ensures that every detail and task is tracked and managed effectively, allowing you to focus more on productivity and less on administrative overhead.

task scheduling in work task list

Turn task schedules into work task lists

Managing a team is not easy, especially when juggling multiple deadlines. Bordio’s work task list introduces a new level of clarity by enabling tasks to be scheduled for specific days. This clarity transforms chaotic to-do lists into structured, achievable plans, ensuring no important task is overlooked. It’s about creating a workflow that’s as streamlined as the tasks themselves, allowing teams to work more efficiently and effectively.

google calendar integration in work task list

Sync your work task list and Google Calendar

Seamlessly merge your Google Calendar with Bordio’work task list for effortless task management. No more toggling between apps; with Bordio, you can manage all your tasks and events in one place. Syncing your Google Calendar with Bordio ensures that your team stays coordinated and informed in real time. Whether you’re scheduling meetings, assigning tasks, or setting deadlines, Bordio keeps everything synchronized across platforms.

chat comments in work task list

Start a message thread within a task card

Do discussions about tasks in external messengers frustrate you? Bordio introduces an innovative solution: embedded chats for tasks and events. This feature allows for immediate, centralized communication right inside each task or event. Forget about juggling between apps; Bordio’s real-time chat feature keeps your team’s conversations focused and accessible, directly within your work task list.

write notes in work task list

Redefine your work task lists with Project Notes

Diving into project management without a clear way to store information is like setting sail without a map. Bordio’s Notes feature in your work task list changes the game. Create notes directly within any project, adding essential details with customizable text formatting. Highlight important points with color, include checklists for progress tracking, and enrich your notes with images and links. This tool is your compass in the vast sea of project details, guiding your team to successful project completion with every note.

write notes in work task list

Arrange how your daily work tasks should look like

Need to adjust your task list on the fly? Bordio’s interactive work task list feature enables you to move tasks around using drag and drop, giving you the flexibility to prioritize as your day unfolds. This helps you keep your most immediate tasks visible and top of mind, streamlining your focus and boosting day-to-day efficiency.

track progress in work task list

Track work progress with completed task lists

At Bordio, we keep your completed tasks visible. When a task is completed, it turns grey and remains on your work task list and Kanban board. This way, you can quickly glance at your calendar or board to see what’s been done and what still needs attention. Every change is updated in real time, so you always have the most current view of your team’s progress.

Get an entire snapshot of your work task lists

Bordio’s work task list offers a birds-eye view of every task and event across your projects. This comprehensive snapshot helps in aligning team efforts, ensuring equitable workload distribution, and keeping all projects on a steady path to completion. It transforms complex project management into a more navigable process.

view all todos work task list
view all todos work task list
add tags in work task list

Filter your work task lists based on created tags

If you ever struggled to keep your tasks well organized, it means that you do not have the right tool. Bordio offers a simple solution: tag each task according to its category. These tags appear directly on the task card, helping you emphasize important tasks and navigate through your list effortlessly. Additionally, Bordio allows you to apply filters to these tags, making it easier than ever to find all tasks related by theme or priority, enhancing your ability to manage your tasks effectively.

add subtasks in work task list

Simplify complex work task list with subtasks

Organizing detailed projects can often become overwhelming. With Bordio, you can simplify this by dividing tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks. This feature shows how many subtasks each task contains and how many have been completed, directly on the task card. It’s an intuitive way to monitor progress and stay organized.

time tracking in work task list

Set a timer within your work task list

Transform your approach to project management with Bordio’s work task list. Initiating a timer at the onset of a task and logging the elapsed time upon completion has never been simpler. Whether you’re working straight through or in intervals across days, Bordio captures each moment. This capability is crucial for analyzing productivity, fine-tuning estimates for future tasks, and ensuring fairness in client charges. Bordio brings precision and insight to your project workflows.

my work in work task list

Display all your work task lists quickly in My Work

Distinguish your tasks from the other tasks within Bordio’s platform. Bordio simplifies this with the “My Work” section, showcasing only the tasks and events that matter to you. Opt for a calendar view to schedule your time efficiently or a table view to see everything at a glance. “My Work” is designed for employees who contribute to projects by completing tasks, offering a distraction-free environment to ensure productivity and focus.

time estimates in work task list

Create a work task list with set task estimates

Planning your day effectively starts with knowing your commitments. Bordio’s time estimation feature allows you to assign expected durations to tasks, which are clearly displayed on task cards and aggregated in your daily calendar view. This makes it easy to assess your daily and weekly commitments at a glance, ensuring you’re never caught off guard.

mobile app for work task list

Quickly assign a work task list to your team in our mobile app

Does your task list look like a puzzle? Bordio’s mobile app puts the pieces together. With it, you can see your daily tasks, add new ones, and even peek into your team’s progress. Whether you prefer the calendar view or the Kanban board, all the information you need is at your fingertips. Plus, real-time chat ensures you’re always connected.

Major benefits of Bordio’s Work Task List

Imagine having to use an organized Work Task List. What is left of you is to focus on good work. See how our app can help you do that:

  • No need to be a pro-planner to organize work task lists.
  • You can prioritize tasks however you like.
  • Chat with your members straight from the app.
  • Share your tasks literally with anyone.
  • Access your work task lists right from your pocket.
  • Track progress and performance at a glance.