Team Task Board for Business Productivity

Bordio is a work visualization team task board that lets you organize your tasks on a single board. Experience planning, delegating, and reaching goals simpler yet more effectively.

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team task board calendar
team task board calendar
team task board calendar
team task board calendar
team task board calendar
team task board table view
team task board table view
team task board table view
team task board table view
team task board table view
team task board
team task board
team task board
team task board
team task board
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
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How does our Team Task Board work?

Bordio’s Team Task Board explained in 2 minutes
add teams in team task board

Simplify team task boards in teams

The team task board feature by Bordio simplifies how you assign tasks and track progress within your teams. By limiting employees to one team, it promotes dedicated focus and clearer responsibility. View every team’s tasks and meetings in a unified space, and navigate between teams effortlessly, ensuring you’re always informed and prepared to make the necessary decisions for your projects.

waiting list in team task board

Balance team tasks with our board’s Waiting List

Handling tasks within a team setting can be complex. Bordio’s team task board simplifies this process. Easily transition unassigned tasks from your project task planner to the Waiting List. This allows you to prioritize immediate tasks while storing future ones conveniently. With Bordio’s Waiting List, you have the flexibility to expand or collapse it as needed, maintaining clarity in your workspace. Streamline your workflow and focus on what matters most with Bordio’s efficient Waiting List feature.

team workload in team task board

Monitor team workload from your task board at a glance

Directing a team without understanding their workload is like directing an orchestra without a score. Bordio’s team task board illuminates each member’s daily tasks and meetings, offering a conductor’s view of who might be facing an 8-hour performance. With this clarity, you can ensure the workload is harmoniously distributed, keeping the music flowing and preventing any player from becoming overstretched. It’s about orchestrating success with precision and grace.

chat comments in team task board

Manage teams by leaving real-time comments on a task board

Envision task management as a relay race where passing the baton smoothly is crucial. Bordio’s real-time chat ensures no baton—i.e., task or event detail—gets dropped. Integrated directly within the team task board, this chat feature keeps the communication baton in hand, making exchanges seamless and immediate. With Bordio, your team runs in sync, and every message is right on track.

write notes in team task board

Open your team task board to quickly create project notes

Need a better way to store project-specific information? Bordio’s team task board offers a dedicated Notes feature that transforms the way you organize project details. Insert formatted text, checklists, links, and even color-code your notes for better visibility. It’s the perfect tool for maintaining a centralized repository of all project-related information, ensuring you never lose track of what’s important.

Maintain oversight of the task lists on your team task board

How can you get a clear picture of your team’s workload and commitments? With Bordio’s team task board, viewing tasks and events assigned to your employees across all projects is straightforward. This feature provides a single board that showcases the entire spectrum of activities, helping you manage time and resources more effectively. It’s a smart solution for leaders looking to maintain oversight without micromanaging.

view all todos in team task board
view all todos in team task board
review performance in team task board

Experience different task board views to assess team success

Gain insights into your team’s productivity with Bordio. Check completed tasks in the team Calendar or focus on a particular project using the Kanban or Table views. By regularly assessing task progress and completion, you can ensure your team maintains high performance and addresses any challenges quickly.

add subtasks in team task board

Keep your team task board clear by adding subtasks

When breaking down complex tasks into more manageable tasks, you need an efficient tool. Bordio allows you to create manageable subtasks, each displayed directly on individual task cards. This visualization allows team members to see at a glance the finer details of a project, including stages of completion and upcoming requirements. Implementing this method ensures that all team members have a thorough understanding of each component of the task, how these components interlink, and the progress being made.

time tracking in team task board

Leverage a timer on tasks within our team task board

Is tracking team progress a challenge? Not with Bordio. Our team task board lets you easily start and stop timers on tasks, pause for interruptions, and log work hours over multiple days. This functionality is key to understanding team dynamics, improving time estimates for projects, and ensuring accurate invoicing for clients. Bordio turns time tracking into a seamless part of your workflow.

week planning in team task board

Easily create a weekly plan in your team task board

Bordio’s team task board offers a comprehensive all-in-one view of your week and task backlog, which simplifies planning. You can drag tasks to specific days, equipped with insights into the time each task requires. This approach streamlines scheduling and promotes a collaborative atmosphere where each team member is clear on the plan and their weekly responsibilities.

time estimates in team task board

Refine a team task board by setting it up with time estimates

Planning your day just got simpler with Bordio. By setting time estimates for each task on your team task board, you gain clarity on your daily workload. Each task card displays its estimated duration, which aggregates in the calendar view, showing your total commitments for the day. After completing tasks, you can reflect on the actual time spent versus the estimates, helping you refine future planning.

mobile app for team task board

Post new team tasks on your board via Bordio’s mobile version

With Bordio’s mobile app, overseeing your team’s tasks is straightforward and productive. Access the day’s tasks, view updates, or create notes and new tasks within moments. The flexibility to switch between calendar and Kanban views caters to different planning needs, while real-time chat facilitates immediate discussion and resolution of task-related questions.

Main benefits of using Bordio’s Team Task Board for your business

If team task boards have the right tools, they can take your business to the next level. Bordio’s got the tools that can:

  • Get your project goals straight from the get-go.
  • Make sure you’re using your resources the smart way.
  • Let you manage time way better.
  • Keep an eye on how your team and everyone’s doing.
  • Hold onto task data for when you’ll need it again.
  • Communicate more conveniently.