Team Productivity Tracker for Structured Workday

Bordio’s Team Productivity Tracker lets you focus on your tasks, projects, events, and ideas in one place. Even with so many distractions, you’ll have a structure to your days.

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team productivity tracker
team productivity tracker
team productivity tracker
team productivity tracker
team productivity tracker
team productivity tracker table view
team productivity tracker table view
team productivity tracker table view
team productivity tracker table view
team productivity tracker table view
team productivity tracker kanban
team productivity tracker kanban
team productivity tracker kanban
team productivity tracker table kanban
team productivity tracker table kanban
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
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How does our Team Productivity Tracker work?

Bordio’s Team Productivity Tracker explained in 2 minutes.
add teams in team productivity tracker

Designate tasks in Teams of our productivity tracker

Managing a team efficiently requires more than just hard work; it requires smart tools. Bordio’s team productivity tracker offers just that by providing a space where you can assign tasks and schedule meetings for each team. This not only consolidates all team-related activities in one place but also allows for seamless switching between teams, ensuring everyone is aligned and productive.

create events in team productivity tracker

Track team productivity with scheduled events

Organize your team’s calendar without ever leaving Bordio. Set up events by choosing a title, date, and time, then input your agenda and location details. Invite anyone, even if they’re outside Bordio, and they’ll be notified via email. Bordio lets you monitor attendance with real-time updates on who has accepted or declined.

task scheduling in team productivity tracker

Activate team productivity with scheduling in our task tracker

Ever wondered if your team’s productivity could rival a colony of ants? With Bordio’s team productivity tracker, it’s possible! Unlike typical tools that only scratch the surface, our app lets you schedule tasks for each day, ensuring your team stays on track without feeling overwhelmed. It’s planning made simple, helping you remember what’s important and keeping everyone’s eyes on the prize.

google calendar integrationin  team productivity tracker

Improve your team productivity tracker using Google Calendar

By connecting your Google Calendar account, Bordio allows you to effortlessly import all your existing events, streamlining your task management process. With real-time synchronization, changes made in Google Calendar are instantly reflected in Bordio, ensuring consistency across platforms. So, it can be your next team productivity tracker. This 2-way sync feature ensures that whether you’re updating events in Bordio or Google Calendar, your schedule remains up-to-date.

team workload in team productivity tracker

Keep team productivity on track by delegating team workloads

Keeping a team on track means understanding their daily challenges. With Bordio, you gain insights into each member’s tasks and the total time they’ll take, helping you spot potential overloads before they happen. For instance, seeing a team member’s 8-hour workload allows for swift adjustments, ensuring tasks are manageable and morale stays high. It’s the key to maintaining balance and productivity without pushing your team too far.

write notes in team productivity tracker

Never lose vital task details to track team productivity better

Open any project in Bordio and easily add detailed notes to keep all essential information handy. You can format text, add headlines, insert links, and even embed images. This powerful note-taking tool organizes your project data in one place, so you never lose track of vital details again. Keep everything from brainstorming ideas to project requirements readily accessible.

track progress in team productivity tracker

Monitor your team using Bordio’s productivity tracker

Our platform highlights completed tasks in grey on both the calendar and Kanban board, offering a transparent view of daily progress and pending tasks. Unlike other systems, Bordio retains completed tasks on the board, making it easy to measure progress and keep the team inspired. This visibility is key to fostering an environment of accountability and encouragement.

Use Bordio’s holistic view of team tasks to track productivity

In the puzzle of project management, knowing each piece’s position is key. Bordio’s team productivity tracker offers a bird’s-eye view of your team’s puzzle, displaying tasks and events from all projects in one place. This overview is invaluable for fitting pieces together seamlessly, ensuring tasks are distributed fairly, and keeping projects on track. It’s the tool you need to solve the project puzzle with ease, keeping your team focused and efficient.

view all todos in team productivity tracker
view all todos in team productivity tracker>
add tags in team productivity tracker

Personalize tags to track team productivity

Enhance task visibility in Bordio by adding tags that help categorize and prioritize your workload. Whether creating a new task or updating an existing one, you can easily attach relevant tags. Additionally, the ability to filter by tags allows for swift navigation through tasks, improving your team’s ability to find what they need quickly.

upload files in team productivity tracker

Upload or download files from our team productivity tracker

Team productivity often involves intricate file management, yet Bordio simplifies the process. By allowing direct uploads of any file format to tasks and events, it centralizes document access for the whole team. This ease of use means files are readily previewable and downloadable, streamlining project coordination and keeping your team aligned.

add subtasks in team productivity tracker

Trace progress with subtasks in our team productivity tracker

What’s the status of your project? Bordio provides a clear view by showing the number of subtasks under each task and how many are completed. This visibility helps you measure progress on complex tasks and efficiently manage what’s left to do. Just mark each subtask as completed and watch your progress bar fill up.

week planning in team productivity tracker

Create weekly plans to monitor team productivity

Picture your team’s workflow as smooth sailing rather than navigating stormy seas. Bordio’s team productivity tracker offers a calm port with its intuitive weekly calendar and task backlog view. This setup allows for swift allocation of tasks to each day, supported by time estimates to gauge daily busyness. Such clear, strategic planning ensures that your team’s efforts are not only productive but also well-coordinated, leading to enhanced efficiency and job satisfaction.

my work in team productivity tracker

Complete tasks in My Work of our team productivity tracker

How can you keep track of your work without getting lost in the team’s activities? Bordio’s team productivity tracker brings a focused approach with the “My Work” section, displaying only the tasks and events assigned to you. This customized view encourages a concentrated effort on your part, with the flexibility of choosing a calendar or table layout for better planning and execution. It’s an essential tool for those who play a specific role in their team’s success, providing clarity and direction.

task-types in team productivity tracker

Neatly arrange tasks in colors in our team productivity tracker

Bordio allows you to assign colors to task types, making it easy to see priorities at a glance. Configure your settings to include custom types like “Immediate,” “Important,” and “Normal,” each represented by a different color. This visual cue helps streamline task management by enhancing visibility and clarifying priorities.

mobile app for team productivity tracker

Leverage our mobile app’s tool for tracking team productivity

Efficient team management requires dynamic tools. Bordio’s mobile app offers the ability to monitor team productivity, schedule events, and create tasks from anywhere. Navigate through different views and use the real-time chat to respond to team queries quickly, keeping your projects on track.

Major features of Bordio’s Team Productivity Tracker

Don’t start the day without the right team productivity tracker. If not, you’ll miss out on these:

  • Smarter storage of your task files
  • One-click meeting invites
  • Accessible conversation logs
  • Seamless time tracker
  • Workspace to match team flair
  • Complete snapshot of projects at a glance