Project Task Tracker for Easy Project Management

Simplify how you manage your business with our Project Task Tracker. Get a comprehensive tracker for your projects and never miss any deadlines again!

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Project task tracker calendar
Project task tracker calendar
Project task tracker calendar
Project task tracker calendar
Project task tracker calendar
Project task tracker table view
Project task tracker table view
Project task tracker table view
Project task tracker table view
Project task tracker table view
Project task tracker
Project task tracker
Project task tracker
Project task tracker
Project task tracker
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Rating 4.7 Based on 300+ reviews

How does a Project Task Tracker work?

Our Project Task Tracker explained in 2 minutes.
create projects in project task tracker

Move your projects to our project task tracker

Bordio redefines project management with its advanced project task tracker, enabling you to create and customize projects with unparalleled ease. Arrange projects and tasks in a way that best suits your workflow, enhance team collaboration by adding members and external guests without extra costs, and dive deep into project planning. Bordio’s intuitive design ensures that managing your project’s tasks is efficient and effective, keeping your team focused and productive.

chat comments in project task tracker

Keep your projects and tasks tracked with our messaging tool

Directing a project team is challenging, particularly when task discussions diverge onto various platforms. Bordio addresses this head-on in its project task tracker by embedding chat features into tasks and events. This means task dialogues are linked with the work they reference, with instant notifications keeping everyone informed and engaged. It streamlines communication, making project management more intuitive for every team member.

task statuses in project task tracker

Align projects to our task tracker with custom task statuses

Are the default task statuses too limiting for your projects? Bordio’s project task tracker invites you to personalize how you track tasks by creating custom statuses. This flexibility is particularly beneficial on a Kanban board, where each status gets its own column, thereby offering a comprehensive view of your project’s progression from concept to completion.

time tracking in project task tracker

Experience a project task tracker with time tracking feature

If project management were a sport, Bordio’s time tracking feature would be the MVP. Start and stop the timer on tasks with a click, pausing whenever life calls a time-out. Log time spent across different days, making it a game changer for understanding team dynamics and setting clear expectations for client billing. It’s about giving you and your team the home-field advantage in project planning and execution.

notifications in project task tracker

Stay updated with Bordio’s project task tracker notifications

How do you keep tabs on project progress without micromanaging? Bordio sends notifications for task and event updates, making it easier to follow the pace of work. Whether a task you’ve created or are involved in changes, you’re notified immediately. And if you prefer a quieter workflow, unfollowing tasks is just a click away. Bordio makes sure you’re updated, not inundated.

upload files in project task tracker

Track any project tasks by looking up uploaded files in Bordio

Ever felt like project management is a game of telephone, where messages get muddled along the way? Bordio’s project task tracker changes the game by allowing file uploads directly to tasks and events. This means clear, concise communication, with all necessary documents neatly attached to their respective tasks. With support for every file format, Bordio ensures that your team is always on the same page, making project management a game you always win.

write notes in project task tracker

Utilize Bordio’s note-taking tool as a project task tracker

Handling team operations requires meticulous organization. Bordio’s project task tracker introduces a specialized Notes functionality, enabling comprehensive documentation capabilities. Format your text, add quotes, and insert images or links to maintain an organized repository of all project-related information in one consolidated area, making management tasks smoother.

add tags in project task tracker

Customize project tags to quickly track tasks in our app

Coordinating a team’s efforts often means sifting through a mountain of tasks. Bordio’s project task tracker makes this easier by allowing you to add tags, helping to highlight and categorize tasks at a glance. This feature not only makes critical tasks stand out on each card but also enables you to filter tasks by tags quickly. By accessing an existing list of tags, you’re assured that each tag is unique, facilitating streamlined project tracking.

set due dates in project task tracker

Create a project task tracker with specific task deadlines

Bordio’s project task tracker is the watchful guardian of your deadlines. Assign due dates and get a clear, visual reminder of the time remaining with our unique countdown feature. Overdue tasks? They’ll stand out in red, making it impossible to overlook. This ensures you’re always prepared, providing a safety net for emergencies and last-minute adjustments. With Bordio, you’re not just tracking tasks; you’re mastering time management in your projects.

add subtasks in project task tracker

Directly add subtasks to projects to manage tracking tasks

Handling detailed projects becomes significantly more manageable with Bordio. By adding subtasks under main tasks, you enable a dynamic visual update on your task cards, reflecting the number of subtasks pending and those accomplished. This feature provides a visual representation of your project’s advancement, promoting an ongoing sense of achievement as team members complete subtasks and steadily approach overall project completion.

my work in project task tracker

Concentrate on “My Work” projects to track personal tasks

We understand that detailed project management is important. That’s why Bordio’s project task tracker introduces the “My Work” section, where you can see tasks assigned specifically to you. Choose between a table or calendar view to organize your day better and stay focused on your immediate responsibilities. This feature is a boon for employees who concentrate on their work without the need for project management, ensuring everyone knows exactly what they need to do.

time estimates in project task tracker

Implement a project task tracker with a built-in time estimate tool

By setting time estimates for tasks in Bordio, you gain visibility into your daily workload through the calendar’s comprehensive view of estimated times. Each task card clearly shows its expected duration, and once a task is complete, you can assess how the actual time spent compares to your estimate, enhancing your planning accuracy over time.

mobile app for project task tracker

Easily make a project task tracker on Bordio’s mobile version

Keep your projects rolling smoothly with Bordio’s mobile app. Whether you’re checking today’s tasks or planning tomorrow’s agenda, the app simplifies project management. Utilize the backlog list, engage with your team via real-time chat, and switch between your project’s Kanban board and calendar for ultimate control.

Standout benefits of a Project Task Tracker from Bordio

You’ll never know how easy and uncomplicated it is to manage projects until you try Bordio’s Project Task Tracker. Here’s how easy it is to track tasks with our app:

  • Easily set time estimates for each task
  • Get accurate task time records spent by each member
  • Access to file storage within task cards
  • Know exactly who’s in charge of specific tasks
  • Track task completion just by using task cards
  • Review task progress anywhere you are