Project Management Task List to Boost Team Productivity

Bordio’s Project Management Tasks List is a team-friendly planner that brings together tasks, events, and projects into a single board. Share plans, track ideas, and hit your goals quicker with Bordio.

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project management task list calendar
project management task list calendar
project management task list calendar
project management task list calendar
project management task list calendar
project management task list
project management task list
project management task list
project management task list
project management task list
project management task list kanban
project management task list kanban
project management task list kanban
project management task list kanban
project management task list kanban
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
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How does our Project Management Task List work?

Bordio’s Project Management Task List explained in 2 minutes.
create projects in project management task list

Make your project task lists structured

Struggling to keep your projects and tasks in order? Bordio transforms chaos into order with its project management task list, allowing you to create, organize, and rearrange projects effortlessly. Assign tasks to team members, invite external guests without extra fees, and use folders for immaculate organization. Bordio is not just about listing tasks; it’s about creating a dynamic workspace where collaboration and productivity thrive.

task scheduling in project management task list

Schedule tasks with our project management task list

Crafting the perfect workday isn’t just about crossing tasks off a list; it’s about knowing exactly when each task is set to begin and end. Bordio’s project management task list revolutionizes this process by allowing each task to be scheduled for a specific day, not just assigned a due date. This clarity ensures your team can prioritize effectively, making every workday a strategic step towards project completion. It’s the difference between working hard and working smart.

create events in project management task list

Organize project management task lists by creating events

Feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of managing project tasks and events? Bordio simplifies the process by offering a comprehensive solution. Seamlessly create, organize, and track events alongside your task list, all within Bordio’s intuitive platform. Say goodbye to the frustration of using multiple tools and embrace the efficiency of Bordio. With features like setting event details, inviting participants, and monitoring responses, Bordio empowers you to streamline your project management efforts. Experience smooth and efficient event coordination with Bordio today!

team workload in project management task list

Set a project management task list and assign team workload

Project management is no small feat; it’s like trying to keep all balls in the air at once. Bordio’s project management task list helps you see exactly who is juggling what and how heavy the load is. Discover at a glance that a team member’s day, like John’s, is filled with 8 hours of tasks and meetings. This overview is pivotal for ensuring tasks are evenly distributed, preventing anyone from dropping the ball due to overwork. It’s about keeping the team’s performance in perfect harmony.

recurring tasks in project management task list

Save time scheduling recurring tasks on your task list

The challenge of team management is akin to keeping a library organized without a system—daunting, to say the least. Bordio’s project task list acts as that essential system, enabling recurring tasks and events to be established with just a few clicks. From everyday tasks to every first Monday of the month for reviews, setting them up once automates the reminder process. This key feature eliminates the manual drudgery of task scheduling, making your project management more like a well-organized bookshelf.

review performance in project management task list

Monitor your project management task list for team review

Discover the power of performance tracking with Bordio. Use the team-level Calendar for a broad view of completed tasks or delve into specific projects with the Kanban and Table views to monitor progress. This approach not only simplifies performance review but also helps in recognizing and addressing slowdowns promptly, ensuring your team stays on track towards achieving project goals.

Keep all task lists on one board for your project management

Project task management shouldn’t be like finding a needle in a haystack. Bordio’s project management task list turns the haystack into a neatly organized pinboard. By aggregating tasks and events from all projects into one clear, accessible list, it enables team leaders to keep an eye on the big picture, adjust workloads as needed, and plan future tasks effectively. It’s the tool that transforms the overwhelming into the manageable.

view all todos in project management task list
view all todos in project management task list
task statuses in project management task list

Customize your project management task list with task stages

Tired of task management systems that don’t quite fit? Bordio offers the solution with customizable task statuses. This feature allows you to add and rename statuses to reflect every phase of your project accurately. Your Kanban board will display these statuses as columns, ensuring you have a detailed and organized view of your tasks at all times. It’s about bringing clarity and precision to your project management.

add tags in project management task list

Apply tag filters to your project management task list

Wondering how to organize your tasks more efficiently? Bordio allows you to add tags to both new and existing tasks within your project management task list. Displayed right on the task card, these tags help highlight important tasks and categories. You can also view all existing tags to prevent duplicates and use filters to quickly find tasks with similar tags, streamlining your search and organization process.

my work in project management task list

Manage projects better with assigned task lists in My Work

The clutter of a comprehensive project management tool can often be overwhelming for team members focused on specific tasks. Bordio’s “My Work” section cuts through this clutter by showcasing only the tasks and events assigned to you. Opt for a calendar view for a time-based organization or a table view for a list-oriented approach. This customization makes “My Work” an invaluable tool for employees dedicated to executing tasks efficiently, free from the noise of unrelated project details.

set due dates in project management task list

See missed project tasks in your management list at a glance

Managing a project without due dates is like sailing without a compass—directionless. Bordio introduces a smart way to navigate through your tasks. By setting due dates, you’re provided with a countdown on each task card. Miss the deadline? The card turns red, making it unmissable. Bordio’s clever separation of scheduling and due dates ensures your project management task list is both organized and strategic, steering you clear of the rocks of procrastination and oversight.

week planning in project management task list

Level up your project management with a weekly task list

Take control of your weekly planning with Bordio’s unique layout. Display the entire work week and a waiting list on your screen, where you can easily shift tasks to their respective days. Visualizing the total estimated time for daily tasks helps in judging how to distribute workloads evenly across the week, both for you and your team.

time estimates in project management task list

Enhance project management with time estimates in a task list

Leading a team efficiently can be challenging. Bordio simplifies this with time estimates on tasks that are visible on the task cards and accumulated in the daily calendar. This feature allows for better planning and provides a snapshot of your overall time commitments.

mobile app for project management task list

Improve project management with task lists in our mobile app

Need to stay connected with your team while away from your desk? Bordio’s mobile app provides a comprehensive overview of your team’s current status, task completions, and allows for immediate communication through built-in real-time chat. It’s your go-to tool for managing projects and team activities, no matter where you are.

Key features of our Project Management Task List

Claiming to be the best because our Project Management Task List has all of these amazing features:

  • An easy-to-use board that lets you check multiple projects at once.
  • Communication tools and alerts are embedded in the app.
  • A mobile app that’s easy and fluid.
  • Tools to estimate and track time effectively.
  • Smooth Google Calendar integration like no other apps can do.
  • Personalized task cards to nail down details.