Daily Task Planner to Simplify Your Workflow

Need a clear Daily Task Planner? Declutter with Bordio’s single board features. Build a better system with our easy-to-use tools and achieve results faster.

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daily task planner
daily task planner
daily task planner
daily task planner
daily task planner table view
daily task planner table view
daily task planner table view
daily task planner table view
daily task planner table view
daily task planner kanban
daily task planner kanban
daily task planner kanban
daily task planner kanban
daily task planner kanban
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
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Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Rating 4.7 Based on 300+ reviews

How does Bordio’s Daily Task Planner work?

Our Daily Task Planner explained in 2 minutes
create projects in daily task planner

Organize daily projects and tasks effortlessly

Bordio’s daily task planner simplifies your project management process. Create and display projects on the left side for easy access, and customize their order to suit your daily priorities. This planner not only supports task assignments within these projects but also the addition of external guests, facilitating seamless collaboration. It’s the perfect tool for keeping projects and daily tasks aligned, ensuring your team stays focused and productive without incurring extra charges for guest participation.

task ordering in daily task planner

Reorder daily tasks in your planner for a balanced work day

Daily task management can sometimes feel like trying to balance on a tightrope. Bordio’s daily task planner offers a safety net with its drag-and-drop functionality, allowing you to prioritize and reorder tasks to maintain balance throughout your day. This ensures you can walk the line between urgent and important tasks with the grace of a seasoned tightrope walker, achieving success with each step you take.

waiting list in daily task planner

Move pending tasks of your daily task planner to Waiting List

Task organization within a team environment can be intricate. Bordio’s daily task planner provides a straightforward solution. Seamlessly transfer pending tasks from your project task planner to the Waiting List. This allows you to focus on urgent tasks while securely storing upcoming ones. With Bordio’s Waiting List, you can easily hide or reveal it, ensuring a tidy workspace. Simplify your workflow and boost productivity with Bordio’s user-friendly Waiting List feature.

google calendar integration in daily task planner

Link Google Calendar to set up an efficient daily task planner

Organizing daily tasks can be as chaotic as rush hour traffic, but Bordio’s Daily Task Planner brings order to the madness. By connecting with Google Calendar, Bordio offers a hassle-free solution to sync all your events in real-time. Bid farewell to manual updates and embrace the simplicity of managing tasks in a single platform. With Bordio, you can seamlessly import events from Google Calendar with just a few clicks, ensuring you never miss a beat. Keep your schedule organized and your productivity soaring with Bordio’s Daily Task Planner.

recurring tasks in daily task planner

Build a daily task planner by scheduling repeated tasks once

Forget the hassle of entering regular tasks and meetings manually. With Bordio, you can set up recurring tasks or events that automatically populate your calendar based on your chosen frequency. Whether it’s daily routines, weekly team meetings, or monthly reviews, just set the recurrence rule once—like every Monday or the first of each month—and Bordio remembers for you, ensuring you never miss a beat.

track progress in daily task planner

Check completed tasks to track progress

Curious about your team’s daily wins? Bordio’s daily task planner makes it clear by greying out completed tasks. This visual indication in both the Calendar and Kanban board helps you instantly grasp the volume of work accomplished and assess the workload that remains. Unlike other tools, Bordio keeps every completed task on the board, offering a holistic view of your team’s progress.

chat comments in daily task planner

Save daily task conversations within Bordio’s daily task planner

Orchestrating team efforts is challenging, especially when communication lines cross and tangle. Bordio’s daily task planner brings clarity with its real-time chat feature. No more external messaging apps; now, task-related chats are neatly tied to their respective tasks and events, ensuring your team stays on track and in tune, every step of the way.

Monitoring multiple projects becomes more convenient

Staying on top of your team’s workload requires a strategic approach, and Bordio’s daily task planner is designed to assist. It consolidates every project task and event into one comprehensive view, offering insights into what your team members are doing and their deadlines. This feature supports proactive workload management and helps to prevent burnout by enabling timely intervention and support.

view all todos in daily task planner
view all todos in daily task planner
add tags in daily task planner

Navigate your daily tasks just by using tags in your planner

Diving into your daily tasks can sometimes feel like navigating a jungle. Bordio’s tagging feature cuts through the foliage, making your tasks stand out with customized tags. By displaying tags on each task card, prioritizing your day becomes intuitive. Avoid the trap of duplication with a comprehensive list of existing tags, and use filters to zero in on tasks with shared tags. This makes managing your daily tasks not just doable, but downright efficient.

my work in daily task planner

Create your workspace with “My Work”

Stay organized and focused with the ‘My Work’ section of Bordio’s daily task planner. Here, you’ll find only the tasks and events that matter to you, neatly organized in a table or calendar view. This personalized overview helps you maintain focus on your immediate duties, free from distractions related to broader project details. It’s ideal for those who execute tasks rather than manage projects.

add subtasks in daily task planner

Initiate productivity with subtasks in your daily task planner

How close are you to finishing your big project? Bordio’s daily task planner not only lets you add subtasks to your tasks but also shows the number of those completed right on the task card. This way, you can visually track your progress and focus on what’s left to complete, helping you stay organized and motivated.

task types in daily task planner

Easily sort out tasks in your planner using colored task cards

Enhance your daily planning with Bordio by creating and assigning color-coded task types. Whether it’s categorizing tasks as ‘Operational,’ ‘Strategic,’ or ‘Financial,’ each type can have its unique color. This feature allows for an immediate visual representation of your tasks’ categories, helping you streamline your workflow and prioritize effectively

week planning in daily task planner

Drag and drop daily task cards throughout our weekly planner

Optimize your week with Bordio’s daily task planner, featuring a comprehensive view of the workweek on one screen. Tasks can be moved from a backlog directly to the desired day, simplifying the planning process. Each day’s total task time is displayed, providing insights into your daily commitments. This feature enhances both individual and team productivity by facilitating better time management.

mobile app for daily task planner

Sync your daily task planner to our mobile app to stay updated

Project management can sometimes feel like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded. Luckily, Bordio’s mobile app makes it straightforward to manage your daily tasks. Check your calendar for upcoming tasks, switch between different projects, and chat in real time with your team to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Key features of our Daily Task Planner

We get it – too many features on a Daily Task Planner don’t mean better workflow. That’s why Bordio keeps it plain and simple with these tools:

  • One board to oversee all your projects.
  • Event scheduling tools with Google compatibility.
  • A built-in system to track workflow.
  • Messaging options for better teamwork.
  • Extensive storage for task-related files.
  • Tailored task types and subcategories.