Online Organizer for Teams and Individuals

Bordio is a simple online organizer for all your tasks, projects, events, and notes. Perfect for personal productivity and team collaboration

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online organizer calendar
online organizer calendar
online organizer calendar
online organizer calendar
online organizer calendar
online organizer
online organizer
online organizer
online organizer
online organizer
online organizer kanban
online organizer kanban
online organizer kanban
online organizer kanban
online organizer kanban
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Rating 4.7 Based on 300+ reviews

How Does an Online Organizer Work?

Our Online Organizer explains in 2 minutes.
create projects in online organizer

A better way to organize your projects online

Need a central place for all your project needs? Bordio’s online organizer is your answer. Create as many projects as you need, sort them to your liking, and bring structure to your work life. By inviting guests to specific projects, you can extend your collaborative space without extra charges, making Bordio the ideal hub for managing tasks and enhancing teamwork efficiency.

task scheduling in online organizer

Create an online organizer using Bordio’s task scheduling

How do you prevent tasks from piling up? As on online task organizer, Bordio makes scheduling tasks on specific days becomes a breeze. This feature shifts the focus from overwhelming due dates to a clear, day-by-day action plan. It enhances team productivity by spreading out tasks in a manageable way, ensuring every day is productive without overwhelming anyone. The result? A team that’s on track.

waiting list in online organizer

Built-in waiting list feature in the online organizer

Bordio’s online organizer simplifies task management, offering a straightforward solution for those overwhelmed by unscheduled activities. Move any unscheduled tasks to the Waiting List to keep your main calendar tidy and focus solely on today’s immediate priorities. This method not only declutters your view but also makes planning future tasks more manageable, enhancing your overall productivity with a clearer monthly board.

google calendar integration in online organizer

Connect your Google Calendar to online organizer

Say goodbye to scattered calendars and hello to organized, hassle-free scheduling. By connecting your Google Calendar account, you can effortlessly import all your events into Bordio, consolidating your tasks in one convenient platform. With real-time synchronization, any changes made in Google Calendar reflect instantly in Bordio, ensuring consistency across platforms. Bordio’s Online Organizer simplifies schedule management, allowing you to focus on what matters most without the hassle of juggling multiple calendars.

team workload in online organizer

View each member’s workload within Bordio’s online organizer

Keep your team’s workload in check with the intuitive design of Bordio’s online organizer. Offering a clear view of each member’s daily responsibilities and the hours they entail, it simplifies the task of workload planning. This tool is essential for ensuring that work is distributed fairly, helping you to prevent overwork and maintain a steady pace towards your goals.

chat comments in online organizer

Get in-app notifications in the online organizer

Think of traditional task management as a silent movie—functional, but lacking. Bordio’s online organizer brings the soundtrack by embedding real-time chat directly within tasks and events. This feature ensures your team’s communication is as lively and immediate as a group text, but without the hassle of managing multiple platforms. Now, discussions about tasks stay anchored, making teamwork as harmonious as a choir.

review performance in online organizer

Check your team’s performance in our online organizer

The essence of Bordio’s online organizer lies in its ability to illuminate team productivity. A glance at the team calendar reveals completed tasks, painting a picture of collective progress. For granular insights, the Kanban board and Table view detail the journey of tasks to their completion. Engaging with these tools regularly opens avenues for meaningful discussions on performance improvements, ensuring your team’s trajectory is always upward.

Manage the entire team’s schedule in a single online organizer

Our online organizer is the solution to overseeing team activities with ease, pulling together tasks and events into one accessible platform. This consolidation helps you understand the breadth of your team’s commitments, from daily tasks to long-term projects, ensuring that planning and execution are seamlessly integrated. By offering a bird’s-eye view of the entire team’s schedule, Bordio facilitates effective time management and encourages a proactive approach to project management.

view all todos in online organizer
view all todos in online organizer
create eventse in online organizer

Create events in the same online organizer

Looking for a better way to manage your tasks and events? Bordio’s online organizer offers a solution. Create events, invite participants, and set reminders—all in one convenient platform. With Bordio, you can streamline your planning process and stay organized.

week planning in online organizer

Arrange your work week effectively with our online organizer

Project management is often as tricky as solving a Rubik’s cube, but not with Bordio. Our online organizer features a clear weekly view with columns for each day and an adjacent waiting list. Drag and drop tasks into the appropriate day to effectively manage your time and workload for the week.

add tags in online organizer

Review tasks in your online organizer using Bordio’s tags

Task management without Bordio is like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. Luckily, with our online organizer, you can tag your tasks, making each piece fit perfectly. Displaying tags on task cards helps you spot what you need at a moment’s notice. And because you can view a list of all created tags, you’ll never duplicate efforts, making task organization a complete picture, not a puzzling challenge.

write notes in online organizer

Write project notes online for better work organization

Why is project management without Bordio like a treasure hunt? Because you’re always looking for lost information! With our online organizer, create Notes that are rich with features like text formatting, links, and images. It’s designed to store all your project-related information in one place, making it easier to find that “X” marks the spot, every time.

my work in online organizer

Focus on your own to-dos in “My work” section

Tired of sifting through tasks not meant for you? “My Work” in Bordio’s online organizer brings everything assigned to you into one place. Whether you’re a fan of lists or prefer the visual appeal of a calendar, we’ve got you covered. Designed especially for employees who do their best work without the overhead of project management, it’s all about making your day more manageable.

task types in online organizer

Set types and colors in your online organizer

In Bordio’s online organizer, managing tasks is visually straightforward. You can set up types and assign specific colors to them, such as “Strategic” for blue or “Low” for yellow. This feature helps you see at a glance what needs your attention most, simplifying your day-to-day task management.

mobile app for online organizer

Take your online organizer wherever you go

Wondering how to streamline your daily management tasks? Bordio’s mobile app allows you to swiftly navigate through your schedule, from checking your task list to adding new events. The app integrates a calendar and Kanban view, making it easy to see what’s ahead. You can also communicate directly with team members through real-time chat, enhancing collaboration.

Major features of Bordio’s Online Organizer that you will love

We’ve mastered the game of online organizers and become pros with these feature combinations:

  • Uninterrupted mobile experience
  • Google connectivity simplifies event planning.
  • Systems to gauge and track time effectively.
  • Plan in detail with task cards that you can customize.
  • Features in-built messaging and alert notifications.
  • A user-friendly dashboard designed for multiple projects.