Team Task List for Efficient Workflow

Set your team up for success with Bordio’s Team Task List. Organize, delegate, and track tasks easier than before with the best features in our app.

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team task list calendar
team task list calendar
team task list calendar
team task list calendar
team task list calendar
team task list
team task list
team task list
team task list
team task list
team task list kanban
team task list kanban
team task list kanban
team task list kanban
team task list kanban
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Rating 4.7 Based on 300+ reviews

How does a Team Task List work?

Our Team Task List explained in 2 minutes.
add teams in team task list

Assign teams task lists in Bordio’s Teams feature

Bordio introduces a dedicated space for team task management, where you can easily create teams, assign tasks, and schedule meetings in one central location. Each member belongs to a single team, ensuring clarity in task distribution and accountability. Switch between different teams effortlessly to keep track of all tasks and events. This feature simplifies organizing your team’s workload and boosts productivity by keeping everyone on the same page.

waiting list in team task list

Set aside future team tasks on a waiting list

Guiding a team through its daily tasks can be daunting. Bordio’s “Waiting List” feature within our team task list introduces a seamless method to manage this. By allowing you to allocate unscheduled tasks to a designated waiting area, it ensures the primary task list stays focused on immediate duties, thereby streamlining productivity and reducing task management stress.

team workload in team task list

Complete team task lists with assigned workload

Understand the full scope of your team’s daily activities with Bordio. Our team task list feature provides a clear view of each team member’s tasks and meetings, showing you the estimated total hours they will spend. This enables precise workload management, ensuring no one is overwhelmed and deadlines are met comfortably. It’s an effective way to maintain productivity and balance in your team’s schedule.

track progress in team task list

Easily monitor team progress by viewing accomplished task lists

When tasks are finished, they grey out on our team task list, visible in both the Calendar and Kanban board views. This feature gives you an instant read on the day’s progress and what work remains, ensuring that no task fades into the background. It’s about celebrating every little victory on the way to project completion, making team collaboration not just productive but also rewarding.

time tracking in team task list

Check task durations with a timer in our team task list

If task management were a game show, Bordio’s time tracking would be your lifeline. Start a timer on any task in your team’s list, hit pause for those all-too-common interruptions, and log the time directly. This feature sheds light on the real time spent on tasks, aiding in project planning, team evaluation, and ensuring accurate billing for clients. With Bordio, you’re always in the know.

upload files in team task list

Turn your team task list a driver of your task files

With Bordio, managing task-related documents has never been easier. Attach any file directly to your tasks or events, and keep everything organized in one spot. This feature allows your team to access, preview, and download files quickly, eliminating the need to search through emails or chats. Supported by all file formats, Bordio makes document handling simple and efficient.

write notes in team task list

Transform your team task lists with Bordio’s dynamic notes

Trying to manage team tasks without Bordio is like packing for a trip without a checklist—chaotic and prone to forgetfulness. Bordio’s note feature brings order to chaos, allowing you to format text, add lists for organization, and checkboxes for task completion. Embedding links and images becomes straightforward, ensuring that your project suitcase is packed with everything you need. It’s the ultimate tool for a well-prepared project journey, ensuring no task is left behind.

task statuses in team task list

Use custom task levels for an improved team task list

Effectively managing projects is challenging, yet Bordio simplifies this with customizable task statuses within your team task list. By adding or renaming statuses, you create a Kanban board that mirrors your project’s specific stages, offering a visual and intuitive way to monitor task progression. This customization aids in streamlining the management process, keeping your team in sync and your projects on schedule.

notifications in team task list

Simplify tracking with instant notifications in a team task list

The challenge of managing a team lies in the details. With Bordio, every task update and rescheduling is communicated through instant notifications. Whether you’re assigning tasks or contributing to one, you’ll never miss an update. Feel like your notifications are piling up? Opt to unfollow tasks and streamline your focus. Bordio’s team task list is designed to enhance your project management experience by keeping you informed and in control.

set due dates in team task list

Stay on track with team task list deadlines

Bordio’s team task list allows you to set due dates that help track project timelines effectively. As deadlines approach, task cards update daily to show the remaining time, turning red if the due date passes. This visual cue helps you prioritize tasks without the calendar becoming overcrowded, maintaining focus on immediate actions.

task types in team task list

Color-code your team task list for easy management

Do you know the importance of task visibility? In Bordio, you can assign colors to different task types like “Medium” or “Strategic,” enabling a more organized and visually guided workflow. Set these types in your settings, choose their colors, and then simply apply them to tasks or events to make your team’s task list instantly understandable.

time estimates in team task list

Visibly monitor team effort with time estimates in your task list

Are your task durations well-planned? In Bordio, assigning time estimates to tasks clarifies your daily schedule, as these are totaled in the calendar view. This feature not only helps in daily planning but also allows for a comparison between estimated and actual time spent on tasks, aiding in refining your planning skills over time.

mobile app for team task list

Synchronize your team task list in Bordio’s mobile version

Keeping a team can be a complicated task, which is why Bordio’s mobile app is designed to keep you linked to your team’s activities at all times. With just a few taps, view completed tasks, update to-do lists, or check your team’s current workload. The app also offers functionality to create notes, switch views, and communicate through real-time chat, keeping everyone aligned and informed.

Main benefits you will get from our Team Task List

Creating a team task list is the first step to helping your team succeed. But with Bordio, there’s always more:

  • See how your team increases results
  • Cut down on project challenges
  • Instantly set up team cooperation
  • Allow teams to view members’ workload
  • Optimize time tracking for tasks
  • You’ll make your workflow a lot easier