Project Management Planner to Simplify Your Workflow

Bordio’s project management planner has the tools you need to manage your workflow on a single board. Handle your projects, timelines, and events simpler than before.

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Project management planner calendar
Project management planner calendar
Project management planner calendar
Project management planner calendar
Project management planner calendar
Project management planner
Project management planner
Project management planner
Project management planner
Project management planner
Project management planner kanban
Project management planner kanban
Project management planner kanban
Project management planner kanban
Project management planner kanban
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
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How does Bordio’s project management planner work?

Bordio project management planner explained in 2 minutes
create projects in project management planner

Simplify project management with Bordio’s planner

With Bordio, project management becomes simple, thanks to its sophisticated planner that supports unlimited project creation and meticulous organization. Projects can be easily sorted and grouped, enhancing the planning process. Bordio encourages collaboration by allowing project invites to guests, including freelancers and clients, without additional costs. This inclusivity, combined with the ability to meticulously plan tasks and events within each project, positions Bordio as a pivotal tool for achieving project management excellence.

task ordering in project management planner

Orderly schedule tasks in our project management planner

Organizing your task list is as easy as drag and drop in Bordio’s project management planner. Prioritize tasks by moving them to the top of your list or arrange them in the order you plan to tackle them. This intuitive feature in our project management planner allows you to visualize your workflow better and keeps your projects on track. Witness how adjusting your tasks’ order can provide clarity on what to focus on next and keep your momentum going.

create events in project management planner

Utilize your project management planner with events creation

Creating and managing events with Bordio’s project management planner is a breeze. Schedule, invite, and track participants effortlessly. Stay on top of your schedule with customizable reminders. Seamlessly integrate event planning into your task management workflow. With Bordio, you can streamline your project planning and collaboration in just a few clicks.

googlecalendar integration in project management planner

Merge Google Calendar into your project management planner

Effortlessly merge your Google Calendar events with Bordio’s project management planner. With real-time synchronization, updates made in either platform reflect instantly in the other. Seamlessly manage all your tasks and events within Bordio, eliminating the need for multiple tools. Enjoy the simplicity of a two-way sync, ensuring consistency across platforms. Streamline your workflow, centralize your planning, and stay organized effortlessly with Bordio’s Google Calendar integration.

review performance in project management planner

Measure team achievements in our project management planner

Wondering about your team’s productivity levels? Bordio simplifies the review process with its project management planner. By accessing the team calendar, you can witness the completion of various tasks across different projects, offering a broad perspective of team effort. For more granular insights, the Kanban and Table views detail the movement of tasks to completion within specific projects. This comprehensive overview encourages regular feedback sessions, driving team development and project success.

upload files in project management planner

Upload files into our project management planner

To streamline document management within projects, the project management planner lets you attach files directly to specific tasks and events, creating a central hub for all your document storage needs. This feature accommodates all file formats, making it simple for team members to preview and access files quickly, with only two clicks needed. Consolidating task-related files in one place enhances collaboration and keeps team members aligned and efficient.

Check all your to-dos in our project management planner

Project management can be improved by consolidating tasks and events from all projects into a single view at the team level. This centralization simplifies the process of understanding your team’s entire workload, including upcoming tasks and current projects. It’s an intuitive approach that facilitates effective planning and ensures alignment with organizational goals.

view all todos in project management planner
view all todos in project management planner
task statuses in project management planner

Customize your project management planner’s task statuses

Enhance your project visualization with the ability to create custom task statuses in our project management planner. This feature extends beyond the basic stages of New, Scheduled, In Progress, and Completed. Personalized statuses appear as columns on the Kanban board, giving you a comprehensive view of your project’s flow. It’s a simple tool that significantly improves project organization and tracking.

my work in project management planner

Clarify work scope in our project management planner’s My Work

If you’re often overwhelmed by irrelevant tasks, the “My Work” section in our tool clarifies your day. This unique area displays only the tasks and events specifically assigned to you. Whether you like an overview using a calendar or prefer detail with a table view, this feature keeps you focused. It’s perfect for team members who want to concentrate on their own work without the distraction of sorting through tasks assigned to others.

set due dates in project management planner

Set due dates for tasks in our project management planner

Do you know how long until your deadline? With Bordio, each task card displays the number of days left until the due date. If you miss a deadline, the card turns red to catch your attention immediately. This unique feature ensures you’re always aware of upcoming deadlines, even if they’re not displayed on the current day in the calendar.

add subtasks in project management planner

Add subtasks to your project management planner

Managing a team is not easy, but Bordio makes organizing complex projects simpler with subtasks. Each task can be broken down into manageable parts, and each subtask’s completion status is visible right on the task’s card. This visibility helps teams track progress effectively and ensures that every detail is accounted for throughout the project’s lifecycle.

task types in project management planner

Design a project management planner with custom task colors

Visual cues are a powerful tool in project management. Bordio lets you assign colors to different task types, enabling you to easily differentiate them at a glance. This method allows quick identification of tasks based on priorities like “High,” “Medium,” and “Low,” facilitating better project management and aiding in team coordination.

time estimates in project management planner

Set task time estimates in your project management planner

When you estimate how long tasks will take in Bordio, those estimates show up on each task card, giving you a daily overview of your workload in the calendar view. After completing a task, compare the actual time spent to your initial estimate to adjust future planning and improve accuracy.

mobile app for project management planner

Access your project management planner anywhere

Stay productive with Bordio’s mobile app, which is designed for efficient task management. Check your to-do list, create tasks, and schedule events with ease. Monitor how your team is performing and see the tasks they’ve completed. The app lets you navigate between various projects and teams, access a waiting list, and switch views between Calendar and Kanban boards. You can also create notes and use real-time chat within tasks to keep communication clear and prompt.

Key features of our Project Management Planner

We know that multiple features on a project management planner can complicate your workflow. That’s why Bordio only keeps the tools you only need:

  • A single board to view all your projects
  • Events creation tools with Google Integration
  • A built-in tracker to monitor workflow
  • Messaging features for collaboration
  • A large driver for task files
  • Custom types and subcategories for tasks