Work management platform for result-driven teams

Bordio helps teams to plan the work, track the progress and get sh*t done.

No credit card required.
Bordio Calendar
Bordio Calendar
Bordio Calendar
Bordio for teams
Bordio for teams
Bordio table view
Bordio table view
Bordio table view
Bordio table view
Bordio table view
Bordio Kanban board
Bordio Kanban board
Bordio Kanban board
Bordio Kanban board
Bordio Kanban board
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio all projects
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Bordio notes
Rating 4.7 Based on 300+ reviews
How it works
Bordio explained in just 2 minutes
Create projects and share them with your teammates

Create projects and share them with your teammates

In Bordio you can create as many projects as you need, organize them into folders, and add your teammates to collaborate. Additionally, you can invite guests, such as clients or freelancers, to join specific projects at no extra cost.

Schedule your team's tasks 
and events on specific days

Schedule your team’s tasks and events on specific days

Say goodbye to overwhelming to-do lists with hundreds of tasks. In Bordio, you can schedule tasks and meetings on specific days, creating a short, actionable plan for each day. This allows your team to focus solely on today’s tasks and get maximum out of every single day.

planning your days

Use waiting list as a backlog for future tasks and ideas

Every team has tasks that are important but not immediately urgent, requiring the team’s attention in the future. Bordio’s waiting list is a dedicated space for such tasks. Instead of scheduling them on a specific date, put them on the waiting list and come back later.

Customize your workflow 
with custom task statuses

Customize your workflow
with custom task statuses

Sometimes, you need a more complex task workflow than “new -> in progress -> done”, which involves testing, approvals, and other steps. With Bordio, you can make as many task stages as you need and put 
them in any order that works best for your team.

Schedule new meetings without switching to another tool

Schedule new meetings without switching to another tool

Have you noticed that in addition to any task management tool you were still using a separate Calendar app to manage events? Well, this problem is finally solved. You can create new meetings right in Bordio, set a reminder, and invite participants by email (they will receive ics invite on their emails)

Schedule new meetings without switching to another tool

Connect your Google Calendar to manage all events in Bordio

Most likely you already have many scheduled events in Google Calendar that you don’t want to lose. We get it. But you can easily connect your Google account to Bordio and sync all your existing events in seconds. Why juggle multiple tools when you can manage everything in Bordio?

Manage your team's workload with time estimates

Manage your team’s workload with time estimates

Many task management tools calculate users’ workload based only on tasks, which can lead to inaccurate data. Remember, your teammates spend significant time in meetings as well, don’t they? Bordio solves it by calculating everyone’s workload based on all their scheduled activities, including both tasks and events.

Set recurring tasks and events to save time

Set recurring tasks and events to save time

Every team has regular activities such as weekly team meeting or making a monthly report. Instead of creating them every single time, you can set repeats and they will appear in your team’s calendar only on chosen days. Less manual work, more productivity!

View all employee to-dos across
all projects at the team level

In a typical company employees are working on several projects simultaneously. But how to track their
performance if their tasks are distributed between different projects? Bordio solves this problem by brining all
these tasks to a single board at the team level. One place where you can manage all employees’ work.

Employee to-dos
Employee to-dos
Track your team's progress during the workday

Track your team’s progress during the workday

How do you know that your people actually work (especially when they work remotely)? Well, in Bordio you can easily track which tasks they have already completed today (they turn grey) and which are still in plan. It’s a great way to identify those who pretend to be busy without actually contributing.

Review your team's performance on a regular basis

Review your team’s performance on a regular basis

How well did your team perform last week or last month? Which tasks did they complete? Bordio gives all the answers instantly. Just scroll your team’s calendar back and see all completed to-dos by day, as the tasks automatically move to the completion date in the calendar.

Track time spent by employees on each task completion

Track time spent by employees on each task completion

Every manager wants to know how much time their employees spend on specific tasks. Bordio makes time tracking easy both for employees and managers. All they need to do is click on the task to start the timer, and stop it after completing (without switching to other tools). You can’t improve what you don’t measure, begin your improvement with time tracking.

Discuss tasks with your colleages in a real-time chat

Discuss tasks with your colleages in a real-time chat

Have you ever lost task-related information somewhere in the countless chats with your teammates or partners? Well, you won’t anymore, because in Bordio all task-related conversations happen right inside the task. Imagine having all messages, files, and other task-related information stored in one place.

Upload files to tasks and events to store them all in 1 place

Upload files to tasks and events to store them all in 1 place

Why do you need to use dedicated cloud storage tools if you can upload files directly to tasks and events in Bordio? It’s much easier to manage task-related files right in your task management tool.

Write notes to keep all project-related data in a single app

Write notes to keep all project-related data in a single app

Do you have project-related notes scattered in Google Docs, Notes, and other tools? Well, there is a better way to organize project-related information. Bordio has a dedicated tool “Notes” for each project, where you can add any information you need, including images, links, lists, checkboxes, etc.

Stay in control of your
work wherever you go

You don’t have to give up control over your work when leaving the office. With the Bordio mobile app, you can quickly check the plan for today, add a new task, or reply to a message. Be on the same page with your team, even when you’re halfway across the world.

Designed to suit every team's needs
Business Operations
Integrate with the
tools you already use
Bordio combines everything into one single platform. You don’t have to switch between multiple tools anymore.